
Sunday, May 17, 2020

What Spring bucket list? Instead a new iPad, drawing, planning and random new experiences

I don't remember what I had in mind for my Spring bucket list, but let's talk about what has evolved over these past 8 weeks of shutdown!

Technology - 

I learned the basics of using Zoom and need to learn to be a host to largish groups.

I bought and iPad that is wifi enabled so I can watch movies, Facetime, Zoom into meetings or OLLI classes or simply check email and surf the internet while recovering from foot surgery. It also means I won't have to borrow Hubby's laptop for Zoom (my desktop computer is too old to support it).

Drawing - 

Pulled out the only remaining art supply I have after decluttering for our move 3 years ago. I kept my Dad's colored artist pencils and also basic pencil and ink drawing supplies. I then bought a cheap 50 page sketch book at CVS and am trying to do one drawing a week. I got tired of the adult coloring book I had picked up right before everything closed lol.

At this point I'm trying to remember how to use colored pencils artistically, playing with color and making up what I draw so not being concerned with the drawing part so much. The activity does turn of the analytical, worrying part of the brain - a nice break at this time. If I keep at it I'll probably buy a set of watercolor markers to play with too.

Planning - 

As I've mentioned there are two things I'm in planning mode for and since planning is one of my "superpowers" it is keeping me occupied part of the time.

There is the preparation and anxiety management for my upcoming bunion surgery. First time I will have had surgery that keeps me from being able to walk on one foot so there is that. Plus I won't be able to walk the dog, do chores, sit at my desk for a while so some logistics to think through so it isn't too difficult.

Then there is taking on a 2 year term as President of a 110 + year old women's club that also owns a historic building. Just in time to not be able to hold any meetings in person. Just a bit of planning and creativity and team leadership there. This isn't something I particularly wanted but no one else stepped up to do it.

Random New Experiences -

There is the shopping for face masks that fit and are at least slightly effective, dodging those who aren't social distancing at the grocery store or when taking walks, becoming a dog groomer for thankfully just one small dog who holds very still, playing games with a 3 year old granddaughter via technology and snail mail, and all the other things that go with being on a Stay at Home order.

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  1. What size and kind of iPad did you buy? I'm seriously thinking I need to get one for the same reasons you did...well, except for the foot surgery. I'm kind of Leary that volume will not be loud enough, since my Kindle isn't for listening to books.

    Your woman's club is lucky to have you and your super-power.

    1. We picked out the one actually called iPad - not the Pro or Air. Got the larger amount of memory and wifi but not mobile or Office. I haven't set it up yet so don't know about the volume. I'll try to remember to write about it. Still need to buy earbuds too.

  2. Your dog is so pretty and fluffy. Will you have bunion surgery on both feet? That sounds difficult to manage getting around in recovery, I am sure you will sort it out.

    1. Only one foot thank goodness. My SIL did both feet at once and I've really wondered how she managed to get to the bathroom, etc. during the early part of recovery. My other foot isn't bad enough to need the surgery yet.

  3. Hello, my friend, not sure when or if you have had your surgery yet. Hoping it will go easier than I imagine! And that you will back on 2 feet before you know it. I have some kind of foot issue on my right side but have been told it is a genetic problem and can't be fixed. Hmm.
    You have done so well embracing the new technology popular during this shut down. A+!! I have attended Zoom meetings but never conducted one.
    Glad you are keeping up with that little doll via technology. My daughter has returned to work (from home) and I am babysitting my grands. Life feels a little more normal these days.

    1. You are so lucky to be able to babysit your grands!

  4. Good job in learning so many new skills. Most impressed that you learned to trim your poodle yourself- that is no easy task!

    I've been really down about not seeing our granddaughters, but we got some very happy news yesterday when my daughter called to ask if they could spend the entire month of July with us. Finally I have something to look forward to and to plan for!

    1. Oh, more seeing granddaughters envy! Sounds wonderful.

    2. They are driving the 2,600 miles between DC and California! It's the only way she feels comfortable getting here. Her au pair will share the driving, which will be immensely helpful. Crazy times.

    3. Here's hoping rest stops, hotels, etc. are readily available for them. Perhaps by then it will be better.

  5. Who needs a bucket list when you have all that going on! Good luck with your surgery and with you women's club turned virtual. Happy spring!


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