
Thursday, September 5, 2024

Lilacs, technology and insurance - Thriving week 36

I saw this lilac bush on one of my 7am dog walks and it brought back memories of the lilac bushes in my childhood backyard in Illinois. I really liked those bushes and looked forward to the flowers each year!

September is one of the hottest months here and it has started off with a bang. We are so happy we put a mini split heat pump upstairs and it is also helping cool the main floor. A few fans, opening windows at the right time of day and the mini split and so far we have been comfortable.

I am slogging through prepping to change our health insurance and providers. I’ve read through the appropriate Kaiser federal employee Medicare Advantage plan details for this year and have a couple of questions. The 2025 one is not available yet. There is such a short enrollment change window that I’m trying to make sure we are clear in advance not only how to get through the process but also to pick the right plan.

I’m also pushing myself back into decision making mode so I’ve decided to switch to a Mac laptop. Happily my son will go to the Apple Store with me and guide me to one that will meet how I plan to use it without overbuying. He also wants to make sure it is one that will last me a long time.

I do need to find some tutorials and think about how to structure a learning plan to reduce frustration. So far my Google searches have shown me that people of all ages find switching from long time Windows use is a steep learning curve so at least I know it’s not just me. My son has convinced me to also use Google cloud storage, use Google docs instead of Office, and use a password manager. My brain and frustration levels are in for a workout. 

My desktop was bought on 2013 though as was my Kindle so it has served me well and I need to change before it has a breakdown. My son also took care of deciding on a replacement Kindle and simply ordered me one and said it was a birthday present. I do tend to keep technology a long time. That learning curve should be easy!


  1. I call my oldest son my techie son because he knows so much more about it than me. I always call on him when I have difficulties with my computer and he advises me on what I should do when things change.

  2. Ha!! I can relate to your struggles. One daughter and my sister are begging me to switch to an iPhone but I had one years ago and found it dreadful. But I think it was a rare model that had a lot of issues. My current Samsung was an insurance-provided replacement for my phone that blew into the hot tub. Grrr. It quickly overheats and shuts down. I need something else but don't feel like spending the money. And right now, I am not up to learning/relearning an iPhone.
    Lilacs. Oh, how delightful their fragrance. They remind me of childhood, too. Wish we could grow one here.

    1. I’d forgotten about their “perfume “. I do really like my iPhone and wouldn’t want to switch back.

  3. I usually get our youngest son to help with computer/tech things so you are definitely not alone. After working with a Windows computer I don't know if I could make the transfer to an Apple. You are very brave.

    God bless.

    1. He is my younger son and a software engineering exec so there is that. I am not wanting to switch to apple but my iPhone and iPad suggest it is a good idea. 🤪

  4. The lilacs remind me of childhood too, but the image that pops in my head is of an Avon Field Flowers creme perfume container. Green glass bottom with a plastic lavender-colored lid:
    I loved Field Flowers scent, and my mother let me wear it, since it was kind of a delicate scent a preteen could get away with.

  5. Where the lilacs in bloom this time of year? Here in Michigan we only see flowers in the spring. I LOVE them and I've had them in every house I've lived in over the past 80 years until my recent move.

    1. We are just north of Berkeley, Ca and these are in bloom now. Our seasons are a bit different than in the Midwest.

  6. Coming on late, but wanted to say your lilacs are actually butterfly bush. The flowers are similar, but the growth pattern & leaves are different frm lilac. I've grown it for years, it smells like honey and full of butterflies!


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