
Thursday, February 2, 2012

On entrepreneurial kids, body mechanics, tires that lose air, easy dinners and more

There are no major posts in my head so here are some ramblings for the day.

One of my sons has developed an I-phone app that is for shared To Do Lists and just launched it this week.  The first 20+ he sold were to people in the Netherlands! Pretty interesting how connected the world marketplace is and reassuring that the next generation gets that they need to develop side "gigs" to generate streams of income even while employed full time doing something else.  If you'd like to check out this app here it is: OUR LISTS TO-DO

I had an interesting discussion about body mechanics while the physical therapist pushed, pulled and prodded on my leg to try to loosen up my hip.  This past week I had really paid attention to what I did differently with the hip that is not moving normally and discovered that when standing I put all of my weight on that leg, I lean that way when I bend over to pick things up and sit, etc.  She thinks I have been jamming the leg bone into the hip socket which has caused what is so descriptively called "tight hip".  Since no arthritis, etc. showed up on the x-rays it means I have to work on breaking some really ingrained body mechanics habits as well as do all of my exercises and see the PT to get it moving properly again.  At least it is not causing pain or limiting what I do - it just won't move in one direction well.

One of the tires on my car lost almost a third of the tire pressure in a week - again.  Hubby had filled it up and looked carefully to see if there was a nail or other problem and could find none.  We took it in for repair yesterday and they can't find anything wrong either so they resealed it and rebalanced it and we'll see.  Got to love that this car has a light that comes on in the dash when tire pressure is low.  So far it isn't on but its only been one day.

After Pilates late yesterday, donated book sorting at the library this morning and then a PT session, I am not very interested in fixing dinner.  So I have a number of cans lined up on the counter and will be making vegetarian chili as well as a salad.  We have a few leftover corn muffins and there it is - dinner for two.

Last weekend the friends of the library group I am involved with had one of our three times a year used book and media sales.  We price everything very low and all has been donated.  We made $4325 plus around $70 in donations and got a few new member.  That was right at the average of revenues from sales over the last 3 years and this sale is indoors and not linked to any other event (the other two sales are linked to festivals) so we are happy!  Today we spent time looking through new donations and deciding what to do with the items that didn't sell.  Most of the unsold books go first to the library literacy coordinator to see if they can be used in any of those programs or outreach to homeless shelters, prisons, etc.  What can't be used in any way get sold to be recycled into pulp. The money we raise goes to support musical, children's and senior programs at this branch, pay for minor facility improvements/repairs, and add materials to the collection.  I had the fleeting thought today that the hourly wage for the volunteers who make this happen is probably about $0.15 per hour - but that is not worth thinking about LOL.

I'm off for the hard work of sauteeing some onions and green pepper and opening those cans to make chili.  I'll also continue to think about how much I need to do some housecleaning before deciding that it can wait for tomorrow.

What are you up to today?


  1. That is too cool about your son and the app. What a smart guy!

    I have thought about joining our local "Friends of the Library". I think it would be fun to do book sales and sort through all the donated goods. ~~Bliss

    1. Thanks Bliss. He's learning a lot not just from the programming but from the customer inquiries, etc. He has a full time job in another field too.

      Sorting through donated books is interesting - it is also a good upper body work out and at times a filthy job when people donate things that have been stored forever. I like seeing the huge variety of interests that different people have based on their books.

  2. Love the blog - have lots of the same ideas x

    1. Thank you and welcome! I looked at your blog and wonder two things - did your boiler get fixed and where in England is Suffolk? We have been to England once - London, Bath, Keswick in the Lake District and York (plus Edinburgh)- almost a circle and all by train.

  3. Sounds like things have been productive. Hope you are able to get the hip habits changed before it becomes any worse!

    1. Thanks Martha. I'm working on the hip and at least notice now when I am putting my weight on that side.


Road trip part 3 - Diving conditions and challenges

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