
Saturday, January 19, 2013

A day of taking care of myself

After spending 10 days either sick or having very little energy and a lingering "barking seal" cough, I finally had energy when I got up yesterday. Although all I did was laundry, a brief walk with the dog, scheduling of appointments and fix dinner, this morning I was feeling a bit less energetic. This is where my resolution to "Be Kind to Myself" really needs to kick in.

I am a recovering perfectionist raised by two perfectionists who never even tried to "recover" LOL. That means I am very hard on myself. I know other people who seem to have really internalized the fact that it is who you are and not what you accomplish that is most valuable, but I am still working on that one.

On a more cheerful note, I did summon some energy after breakfast, a shower, and doing my PT exercises. I drove to the mall to try to find some jeans that fit since I've lost 8 or 9 pounds this winter and the pants I have tend to droop. I seem to be right between sizes though. I did find a new set of pajamas for warmer weather that are cheerful and fit will. What with the resolution to be kind to myself I decided that I would buy them and throw out several really old ones. Also bought a pair of nice ankle pants in a tan sateen that were on my Spring Project 333 inspiration board and list. After lunch and talking to my 91 year old Mom, I walked the dog who was deliriously happy about that. I'm going to clean up the kitchen a bit, put a brisket up to cook and sort through some desk drawers. Enough for a still recovering day I think!


  1. So glad you are feeling better. It's taken me a long time to remember to take care of myself.
    Love that you bought the tan ankle pants. I must admit I bought a red pair in the fall and sometimes feel like they are too short.

  2. We all need a "be nice to ourself" day! New pjs are always awesome! Glad you're starting to feel a bit better! :)

  3. Glad you're feeling better. I got a flu shot; gulp down Vitamin C; and wash my hands obsessively. So far, so good. But none of us is immune. Hope you stay well!

  4. Thank you all for your kind thoughts. I did get a flu shot and have figured out that this was probably the para-influenza virus not the flu. NPR did a great discussion of flu symptoms vs the other main viral "epidemics" going around. Not that it matters LOL.


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