
Thursday, May 2, 2024

The toddler eats rocks and other moments - Thriving Week 18

So what is that about the baby (oops -she is a toddler now) eating rocks? We decided Sunday morning to invite the family over for Sunday dinner and to spend time on the patio in the beautiful weather. There was rope jumping, dog racing and bubble blowing as well as spritzers or beer for the adults but the best part (ha!) was when the little one decided to eat a handful of rocks! Crisis averted by her observant Dad who removed them all hopefully from her mouth so we moved to the concrete patio for a bit and then went inside for a child pleasing dinner of turkey burgers, pasta salad, ice cream and cookies.

The 14 month old is walking now and definitely a toddler so it is a whole new adventure. The pup is not quite sure what to do with a slightly unsteady small human just a little taller than himself, but after his initial excitement over company he did well 🐶

Other bits of my week - 

We went to a new to me small local brewery for a late afternoon drink and sat outside on a beautiful Spring day. Hubby had been there before with our son and thought I would like it.

A neighbor is on vacation and learned that flowers were being delivered for her birthday. She asked me to get them from her porch and bring them to my house to enjoy! Gorgeous aren’t they?


Watched the White House Correspondents Dinner live broadcast and enjoyed the mix of serious commentary and humor. 

Back at once a week Pilates as trainer is home from vacation. Happy to be getting stronger and more flexible albeit slowly plus my ongoing back pain is now just occasional after overdoing it.

And Hubby figured out how to fix the toilet paper holder that tilted down significantly! I’m amazed at how happy I am about that fix and the fix so the frig door seal finally stays in place. Look around at the small things that aggravate you frequently and fix them one by one for instant stress relief.


  1. Oh, my goodness, those babies keep us on our toes. I will never forget Lucia sneezing dozens of times on the way to school one morning. Almost non-stop sneezing. When we got to the daycare, she sneezed again and produced a purple bead in the Kleenex I had given her.

    What a lovely bouquet you inherited. Beautiful.

    Glad you are able to begin Pilates again. I have never tried it. We continue to try to exercise at home as we have since the days of Covid. But it is very easy to say, 'Oh, I'll do it tomorrow.'

    1. Wow, glad that purple bead found its way out! I also find my at home exercising is easy put off but I do feel better when I do it.

  2. Our oldest son when toddler age liked to eat paper. They sure keep you hopping and watchful.

    Beautiful flowers.

    God bless.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...