
Thursday, September 26, 2024

OK Then! - Thriving week 39

A $150 lightbulb - the LED light part of our bathroom fan started flashing and you have to buy a whole new fan unit to get a new light. We found the same model and only changed the light part but will keep the rest in case the exhaust fan develops problems. So we bought the equivalent of a $150 lightbulb. 

A safer step stool/short ladder - The good news is that while we were at Home Depot we picked up a lightweight 3 step folding step stool that means we don’t have to haul the ladder into the house for most chores. It is safer than our shorter one too and was an idea I got from the free fall prevention workshop series I am attending.

A healthy pup - The pup doesn’t have an ear infection (yeah!) per a vet visit, but now we need to put ear cleaner in his ears about once a week. It is a wrestling match to accomplish but we will do it and work on training him to hold still. He loves routines so perhaps it will get easier.

Needing D3 -My annual blood test showed I was quite low in Vitamin D which I think resulted from lots of overcast weather, using sunscreen out of concern for skin cancer and who knows what. I tried the supplement at the dose the doctor prescribed and can’t tolerate it. I picked up a low dose variety and to try and will increase to where I still feel good. I’ll make a point to be out more when the sun is plus I’m monitoring my calcium intake through food. My bones will thank me.

Listing auto payments and deposits - As we are automating as much as we can I’m creating a list of auto payments via credit cards and checking account plus auto deposits to checking. This week I was surprised to get an email reminding me that my annual Medic Alert payment would be auto charged as I had forgotten that one and Hubby wouldn’t have known it existed. 

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OK Then! - Thriving week 39

A $150 lightbulb - the LED light part of our bathroom fan started flashing and you have to buy a whole new fan unit to get a new light. We f...