
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thriving Thursday - January 11

Happiness, Comfort & Health

I am really liking the daisy pictured above for some cheery winter color and would like to get another one for the other side of the backyard. We will see. 

This little white one is sweet and a surprise so it must be bulbs that were already here.

We had a fun evening at our son's home watching the College Football Playoff National Championship game and having dinner. I made cabbage and carrot slaw to contribute to the game day meal of chili and cornbread. Hubby was put in charge of coming up with a signature cocktail. We thought it should be blue for Michigan so he made this Blue Margarita with blue Gatorade. More aqua than Michigan blue but it was fun.

I invited my DIL to an art opening and curator lecture later in the month. She has to work that Saturday but said I was “spot on” that she would like to go. Since she couldn’t go, I invited the neighbor who I went to San Francisco with. Determined to reach out and make friends here. 

DIL had a few days off this week so we went out for coffee and to a plant nursery. One on one time is nice.

And to not leave the pup out - he got his final first time canine flu shot and a larger harness to fit his STILL growing body. He is becoming much larger than predicted. 🐶❤️

Everyday Thrifty Stuff

Talked myself out of buying additional shelving for my closet by changing where the extra sheets are stored.  Also cancelled a final chiropractor appointment as I am good for now.

Returned a couple of items to the grocery store that were not used for game day. Bought more “emergency water” instead.

We seem to have switched to eating instant hot oatmeal as we both are unwilling to cook regular oatmeal in the morning anymore so I made yummy oatmeal muffins to use up part of the remaining regular oatmeal.

Fixed some stitching coming undone on my down jacket. Fixed the frig door seal where it wasn’t staying in place.

Making Home Upkeep Easier

We agreed to go through the tile and other remodeling materials left in the garage by the seller once the weather is a bit warmer. We will keep less than is there and take the rest to the local Habitat ReStore. My slow garage decluttering continues very slowly.


  1. It sounds like you are really thriving in your new home. Love that you have a few plants that are blooming.

    God bless.

  2. I was about to type, "Yay for free bloomers!", but that didn't sound quite right. :) But yay for volunteer blossoms, especially in January!

    Carey is searching out all failing insulation on windows and doors today, as we are expecting very cold, windy, and icy weather. Fingers crossed we don't lose power for days again.

  3. Hey friend!! Nice to catch up with you!! Your flowers are a welcome sign on this windy, cold El Paso morning.

    Always interested in what youve been up to. Good for you to invite a neighbor to the art exhibit. I should be so brave.


Five plus on Friday

Happy Pi Day! We are planning to visit a food truck midday to pick up a small pie to celebrate math and  🥧. 1. Glorious Spring weather on a...