
Monday, January 15, 2024

Whew - A busy Sunday followed by a babysitting Monday

Today was full of the grandgirls as it was a no school or daycare day that my son had off too but DIL had to work from home. I picked up the 7 year old at 10, took her to the bagel shop and then a bookstore before heading home. After she had her snack she crafted for a while, then we colored together, had lunch and Hubby took her to the park to use the climbing wall. At 1:00 the 11 month old was dropped off so son could go to a dr appointment. We laughed and all crawled around on the floor. When son came back we visited while the girls got very would up and so they headed out. Fun. Tiring. Special.

It was especially tiring because yesterday was a very physically active day for me including exercising, dog walking, lots of weeding and spending about 2 hours clearing, cleaning and reorganizing the garage aka laundry and storage room. Hubby did a lot the first hour or so before he had other things to attend to. It is marvelously uncrowned now. 

I was tired so took myself out for a coffee shop break. Came home and just as I had started making chili our son asked if he could take us out to dinner. Of course we said yes but I still had to make the chili which is dinner tonight. 

I woke up today feeling every minute of all the exercise yesterday and then put in a busy day. It was a wonderful Monday!


  1. Sounds so fun! With the little girls keeping you moving today, it kept you from nursing your sore muscles. Fun and special times, with a healthy dose of strength training thrown in. :)

  2. You sound as if your day was packed with fun and adventure. Though you are sore I doubt you would have given up any time with the grandchildren.

    God bless.

  3. It sounds like you had lots of fun. tiring, but fun!!


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