
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Wednesday’s we got it done list

Still working on move and home purchase things even though it has almost been 2 months in this house.

- Made an ophthalmologist appointment using the referral from my previous doctor. I have dry macular degeneration and need a retinal specialist who can do micro pulse laser therapy. Have to go to Oakland but that is ok.

- Fixed my Medicare log in problem (they have the best customer service!) and selected electronic delivery of statements and the annual handbook. Trying to reduce our recycling.

- Booked the pup with a different groomer recommended by a neighbor. They are so booked that he is going to be one hairy dog by the appointment though. We will be asking to be put on the wait list for an earlier appointment.

- Over the holiday weekend I posted 27 items/groups of items on Buy Nothing as an attempt to finish clearing out the garage (now that we know what we won’t use here) so we can organize what we are keeping in it! “Gifted” 19 by Tuesday evening. One more will go in the recycling bin and two to the community sharing shed at the recycling center so just 6 remaining from this batch. I’ll list more for this weekend.

Things that were taken ranged from a CD player, lots of CDs, speakers and a stereo receiver to used Kong dog balls, a craft kit, empty boxes and sheet protectors! Through the process I met a nice woman who invited me and the pup over for a dog play date. I will shamelessly use him to make friends lol.

The converted garage storage/laundry room is looking much better though there is more left to remove. Right after we moved it was full of boxes and other items so lots of progress! And yes, that is our mail slot in the former garage front and the dog’s little toy lamb on the drying rack after getting a bath lol.


  1. You are doing so well getting settled in and getting things done.

    God bless.

  2. Bravo!! You are really making grand progress. We attempted a yard sale last weekend, but the compliance officer (whom we have never seen or heard of before) would not allow us to post a sign advertising it. We would have taken the sign down after. But many don't do that, I guess. Anyway, we had 4 buyers. One spent a $1!! What we didn't sell, we loaded up for Goodwill. I am so pleased that I didn't bring it back in the house!!


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