
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thankful Thursday week 3 - beach before the tsunami

 As usual we are having weird winter weather here if weird can be usual. Highs in the 70s, days of wind and the accompanying sinus headaches, but Saturday was the first time I ever saw a tsunami warning posted due to a large volcanic eruption in Tonga. It is for the West coast states Saturday morning but I read one specifically for the Ventura county coast and adjoining  areas. Which leads me to my first thing I am thankful for which is living near the ocean but not that near!

1. I’m very thankful to have the Pacific coast just a 20 minute drive away. 

Friday morning I said “how about going to the Ventura pier?” and hubby, who knew I meant for lunch and a walk, said sure. We headed out right before lunch and had delicious tacos at the take out restaurant on the pier before taking a short walk. My foot was bothering me and it was pretty windy so we didn’t go far out the pier which is very uneven walking.

 I saw a sign indicating the first pier was built 150 years ago when it was a shipping location for farmers. The main crop “exported” up the California coast is reported to have been Lima beans. Go figure.

What we did do is walk down to where various types of bicycles are rented to use on the paved  coastal path and saw one called the surrey that will hold two adults and a child. Perfect for this summer’s granddaughter visit. Good swings and of course sand and ocean plus tacos for a beach visit one day.

2. Comfort food made for dinner Saturday night as I had a day of not feeling well. 

3. Make do and mend Sunday just sort of happened. Made veggie stock out of frozen veggie peels and bits. Added the last of a carton of chicken stock and froze the whole for soup later. Figured out what I didn’t like about a tunic T-shirt that was too good to toss and too worn to donate and then fixed it. Thankful for these skills learned as a child at home and in 4-H.

4. Finally waking up with enough energy to want to expend some. Started Monday by mopping my office floor at 6:30 in the morning lol.

5. I had to cancel the next treatment on my right eye because of a nagging occasional cough. You have to hold really still with your head strapped to the machine as a micro pulse laser hits the target cells. I’ll wait a week or so and reschedule. Very thankful to have this state of the art treatment available.


  1. I don't think of America when I hear words tsunami warning but it's not the first time. Thankfully it doesn't happen often enough that we're used to it.

    Hope you are feeling better soon and can get your eye treatment.

    1. Thanks. I do feel pretty well but still have coughing unpredictably.

  2. Glad to read that you live that far from the coast.

    I hope you can get your eye looked after very soon. Good for you for cancelling though when you got the cough.

    God bless.

  3. You have the best of both worlds. Living close enough to the beach to enjoy its benefits, but not so close that you have some of the risks. Hope you feel better soon!


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