
Saturday, January 22, 2022

A satisfying windy Saturday

 In my ongoing effort to get my life and days reset to what is was  before a 2 year pandemic and two foot surgeries plus the usual small blips in any life, I tried the 3 item priority to do list plus 3 priority routine items list today. Other than making the mistake of listing pruning as a to do when it is so windy that my sinuses and eyes would scream at me if I spent the time outside, it was a productive day and it is only 1:20.

My 2 reasonable priority to dos were to exercise and to do some long neglected occasional cleaning tasks in the kitchen (clean oven door and drawer, stove fan filters, and microwave and oil the cutting board). DONE ✅ 

Routine priorities were laundry and remake bed, dog ear cleaning and make oat muffins. DONE ✅ 

Now to sit and watch some YouTube videos and/or read while trying an oat muffin with my DILs homemade jam and a cup of coffee 😊


  1. Muffins, homemade jam and a cup of coffee - all well deserved. I need to clean my oven. Didn't realize that something had spilled over and burned until something else spilled over and burned!! This coming week it needs to happen.

  2. You did well with your list. I think it is going to take all of us a bit of time before we get back to whatever will pass for normal in the future.

    God bless.


Dinners & the week ahead

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