
Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 and a new structure for this blog

I’ve recently thought about taking a break from blogging altogether but have decided instead to focus on posting about just a few things.

1. Back to Thankful Thursday posts documenting what makes me happy and thankful each week. This has really helped my outlook as we slog through the pandemic so I’ll continue for my own well being and to hopefully inspire you.

2. I’m thinking Monday Musings posts will address successes and challenges, thoughts about the pandemic and other events, photo heavy posts when I actually get to go somewhere or do something fun, plus good books I have read and so on. We will all be surprised to see what comes up on Mondays lol.

3. Monthly goals have helped me be more focused and get more done. I’m going to continue to post once a month about them.

And that will be it as I work to reduce my screen time and shift to actually doing more with other people and finding more ways to be safely out in the world again despite Covid. 

We’ll see how it goes.

A happy and safe New Year to all of you!


  1. Sounds like a great plan. Looking forward to seeing and reading the new format.

    God bless.

  2. I'm with you about being more focused ... and reducing screen time to find more ways to be out in the world. To the new year!

  3. Hope you achieve your goals and I'm glad you're not giving up blogging altogether.

  4. I have similar goals which is why I was gone for awhile. Look forward to you posts as always.

  5. Happy New Year, sweet friend. Glad you are continuing your blogging journey. A day doesn't go by that I don't think about giving it up. And LIFE often forces me to step back. But I do miss it when I am gone. Sorta. I miss writing. I miss my you. I want to narrow my blogging some, too. Look forward to your 2022 posts! Happy New Year.


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