
Monday, January 3, 2022

Monday Musings Week 1 - January 2022 Goals

Not relevant, but it’s my older son’s 51st birthday today and he is such a wonderful and kind man. Not that I’m biased or anything!

I found my goal / task list so useful in December that I am doing one again with a clear focus on what I hope for in 2022. This time it is a much shorter and more realistic list. I can always do more.

January 2022

Learn something. 

Start cooking thru a cookbook

Be out and about more doing fun things

Go to Ventura pier with Hubby

Become Physically Fit & Healthier – Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, Balance, Posture, Eating

Stretch DVD and/or long walk every day starting Jan 4th

Build a "posture check in" habit 

Keep on top of tech and home to do’s including long term ones

Clean up & back up photos

Wipe and recycle old phones

Repair form to HOA

Clean and declutter front bedroom closet

GO bags updating plan and start doing


  1. Looks like a doable list. I like the way you broke it down into sections. I often do that with daily goals such as 1. Do something fun 2. Complete a household chore or improvement 3. Do some type of physical exercise and 4. Do something for my mind. Many more categories could be added. Happy New Year!

  2. A very doable list you have there.

    God bless.

  3. It was our son's 51st birthday on January 1st. He told me he was old enough to be an AARP member now, and I'll admit, that was a sobering thought for me. The days, months, and years go by so quickly. You're wise to set goals for the new year. We have another grandchild on the way sometime in the next few weeks, so she's going to the top of our to do list.

  4. Ambitious plans for the month. I get overwhelmed thinking of going through all of my photos online. Really, really should do that, though. And have a bin of old black and white photos I need to label, put in albums or toss. That makes me anxious, too.
    The last 6 weeks of 2021, we pretty much gave up doing any kind of exercise. Did a little weight lifting today... a very little... and boy, am I going to be sore.

    1. I have boxes of printed photos too. Not even thinking about those just concerned about having an old computer that isn't backed up.

      I discovered on our recent trip how truly my strength and endurance have decreased as I have let my foot heal. Time to get moving again but life does interfere totally at times.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...