
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

December Goals Wrap-Up

Tomorrow we are off to visit family for a few days so I am wrapping up my December goals progress today. They were ambitious and I think I did pretty well! I definitely get an A+ for connecting with people and Fails for Good Energy/Adventure and Taking a Risk, but I think that was a wise decision.  Those two goal areas helped me clarify what I am and am not comfortable doing in the current pandemic situation.

Good Energy/Adventure

Nope Drive around to see holiday lights (rain!!!)

          - Go to Studio Channel Islands holiday fair, Go to Cancer Society thrift shop, & Go to farmer's market (I realized I don’t want to go places just to be out and about.)

Connect with People

YES - Attend club meeting and make cookies for sale at meeting

         - Attend Ventura Women's Club Tea

         - Attend friend’s husband’s poetry reading at library

         - Attend book club Holiday brunch

         - Send holiday cards/emails or make phone calls

Nope – Plan a fun time with Berkeley son and his family at end of month (Decided just to wing it. I do have Christmas presents to bring with us.)

Learn Something

YES - Learn at least 6 essential things on new phone

         - Make something different for Christmas Eve/Christmas dinner for us

Nope – Attend library origami ornaments workshop (Had a friend over for coffee instead)

Take a Risk

Nope - Take my long walking route at least once (I’m not physically ready) 

          - Go to the gym, Pilates class and/or get a massage (I did check that my HOA gym key still works & found places for the other two when I feel comfortable doing them)

Get Important Stuff Done

YES - Confirm that minimum distribution is scheduled correctly

         - Transfer funds for major gifting

         - Cleanup & back up important files – I actually did this for my document files!

         - Book electrician to replace more ceiling lights

         - Find a local place to buy and have installed a phone screen protector

Nope – Call to get replacement recycling bin (Waiting for it to break sufficiently)

          -  GO bags updated/reconsider content (Will be a January project)

          - Turn in stucco repair request to HOA (Will do in early January)


YES - Got QR Code from state health dept. to verify COVID vaccine status


  1. I'm always impressed by your methodical way of approaching your life.

    Need to find out if your state gives codes for our covid vaccine records.

    1. The QR codes are from the California Dept of Public Health so I'm sure it is only for residents as our shots are reported to them.

  2. Love my vaccine passport on my phone. It seems like we always need to show it somewhere.

    You did very well on your goals, and I am with you on not wanting to do certain things right yet.

    God bless.


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