
Monday, October 25, 2021

More joys of home ownership

Although this time the service provider was a joy, we found out we had electrical problems that we didn't know about. So 5 new GFI outlets, a bunch of new dimmer switches that will work with LEDs as we slowly replace all the recessed lights in the house plus 4 new LED recessed light fixtures to fix the problem we called them about!

At least now we have an electrician I would highly recommend and for that I have my neighbor to thank (and believe me I have thanked her).

I get home ownership joy times two as we are trying to find a carpenter or skilled handyman to replace the treads and railings (hopefully not the supporting structure!) on two sets of exterior stairs at my clubhouse. Add in that it is a county historic landmark and everyone who is good seems to be incredibly busy and we have yet to get anyone out to give a bid. We may have to close one set for safety and have people enter at the other side of the front porch.

We did manage to switch our commercial property and liability insurance to a different company before the current policy had to be renewed so that is good. There are fun sides to being club President but it is really a business as well as a nonprofit that is both social and service oriented plus owns this large old building. I've learned a lot and mainly that we need to really increase our membership with people who want to volunteer!

We are currently getting a nice soaking rain thankfully nothing like the damaging storm that hit N California yesterday.  The dog used her little yellow raincoat for the first time in a long time. The entire state needs lots of soaking rains and lots of snowfall so fingers crossed.

Off to have lunch with friends, return items to Target, get a key made, and return some library books. Good plans for a rainy day.


  1. We had a daylong rain today, too. Glad your little dog doesn't mind his rain coat.

  2. Yesterday was our day long rain/snow mix.

    LED lights are wonderful.

    God bless.

  3. Home ownership can be bittersweet, but you are very fortunate to have found a reliable electrician. Hopefully, you will find a good carpenter to help with the clubhouse. We are in the middle of a kitchen renovation in our little retirement home. We followed the recommendations of others, and have been pleased, thus far. My husband and I had considered building a home, but now we're grateful that we were able to purchase an existing home. Times have changed and prices for materials and labor have really changed, too! Happy to hear you're having rain. You surely need it!


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...