
Sunday, August 29, 2021

A fix it mentality and aging

My Dad when faced with the diagnosis of any of his many medical problem always quickly asked “ Can you fix it.” When the answer was yes he then asked “How soon.”. In many ways I am trying to adopt his approach to aging (“Sure beats the alternative!”) and to fixing what can be fixed.

As you know I have applied that to my own medical problems and fixing things around the home but hopefully apply it to other areas of life too. 

Do you have an approach to life in general that has helped you with the challenges of aging?


  1. I worked with a dr who often said - if you can't walk for 30 minutes, try for 30 min. So I guess that translates to just keep on keeping on by putting one foot in front of the other.

  2. Fixing things around the house as needed makes the most sense but too many people off easy, quick jobs until list is long. I suppose we tend to do that with our health as well.

    1. It is easy to put off health tasks that might be unpleasant.

  3. I put off my own health for years and almost paid the price. Now I get all my tests done, make sure I get to the doctor at least once every 6 months, and try my hardest to walk every day.

    Fixing around the house is Harvey's job and sometimes that is put on the back burner until he has more than one task to do. As long as we are not flooding, or the steps rotting away I don't mind him waiting to have more than one small task.

    God bless.

    1. We do have those back burner projects too. Right now it is a light fixture that isn’t working but that we rarely use. I need to get recs for an electrician as a first step so will do that after Labor Day weekend family time.

  4. I think my approach to life has changed a bit as I've grown older. I used to dive, head first, into every thing in my life. Being a first born on a family farm meant I had to learn how to work early on. Grateful for those lessons, but now I'm trying to research and find the best possible companies/individuals who can help us with our needs. I just feel better when I'm proactive, whether it be a health concern or a home repair.


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