
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Goodbye August! What’s planned for September?

Whew - The Delta variant pandemic surge, fires raging (but not nearby thankfully), a monster hurricane, Afghanistan, the California governor recall election starting, death of a good friend’s husband from cancer, close friends and nearby neighbors having to move …

But also in our little patch of the universe - nice weather, new neighbors seem nice, friends are supportive of each other and me, granddaughter likes her new big kid school, family including pets all healthy, started physical therapy and see improvement, grocery stores and gas stations well stocked, nice in person visit with one son and DIL, a couple of outings with Hubby…

So what is ahead for September in the areas where I have some control or at least some influence?

- Some birthday celebrations for me

- Labor Day weekend trip to see Berkeley son, DIL and granddaughter 

- An in person service club meeting with puppies (program is about raising puppies for guide dog training) with only fully vaccinated allowed to attend and with masks as county requires but at least we can get together

- Continued to increase strength, flexibility and endurance through PT and other exercise as able

- Continue to spend time with art activities as the process is quite stress reducing and relaxing for me

- More safe outings probably including a walk along the ocean boardwalk, art gallery visit and farmer’s market

- Planning family get togethers for granddaughter’s 5th birthday and for Thanksgiving 

- More reaching out to East Coast family members (brother, SIL and cousins)

- Get a recommendation for an electrician and get our broken ceiling light fixed

- Go through fall clothes and buy anything needed

- I need a project that isn’t club related so I’m thinking of getting back to improving our emergency preparedness, doing some thrifting and getting better at alterations, a bit of home redecorating or …?

How was your month? What are you looking forward to in September?


  1. August was... not so great but some happy things happened as well. Anyway, now it is in the past. As for September, I have planned a long road trip with my pram buddy for the whole month. I am looking forward to this vacation. I hope it will give enough energy to safely sail through gloomy days of late Fall and Winter.

    1. A road trip with a good friend sounds fabulous!

  2. You always try to stay positive, I like that about you. With so much going on in the world, it's not always easy to focus on what we can control in our own little part of the world.

    1. Thank you. If you asked my family though they would tell you about the not staying positive times although I am much better than I was years ago when I complained a lot. I worked hard at eliminating the habit of complaining.

  3. You have lots of fun things planned for September. I know you must be feeling better and more mobile than you were even a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, the Delta variant is rearing its ugly head way to often in our community. Our hospitals are full and that's a real concern. We are taking it seriously and masking and avoiding close quarters. It will be interesting to see how things develop with boosters. Juhli, when you mentioned doing alterations, it made me smile. I've become the chief mender in the family, lately. I really don't mind, and our kids are very busy. Amazing how a small alteration or mending job can prolong the life and comfort of clothing. Not only does it save money, but it helps us to be able to continue to wear some of our old favorites. I hope all of us have a great September. Stay well!!

    1. The Delta variant is certainly limiting the range of safe choices even for thos of us vaccinated. Yes to mending as it makes less for the landfill!

  4. What wonderful plans you have. I have trouble with alterations and wish I was better at that.

    We will also be traveling to see our oldest son soon and visiting my happy place in the mountains, something I have really missed.

    Getting ready for Thanksgiving here as well, and thinking about Christmas. Kurt and Kris's birthdays are in October so I will be trying to think of a gift for them.

    God bless.

    1. Alterations can be hit or miss other than hemming an waistband tucks/darts. That is why I am going back to thrifting once I feel safe to do so. Less invested. I also try altering items I would otherwise not wear anymore and am sometimrpes e en successful.


It must be Fall - Thriving week 43

We have been doing more cooking that heats up the kitchen this past week (chicken enchilada casserole and beef stew for example), walking ar...