
Friday, January 1, 2021

Countdown to noon Jan 20th and goodbye Trump

Welcome to 2021!

I’m counting the days until Inauguration and Trump leaving. Too many days left but each one that passes makes me happy. 19 days left as of 9 AM today in California aka noon in DC.

The dog is eating again (long story) so we are a bit more relaxed than we have been the last week although she still has to get switched to a different diet. As the vet said on Thursday, don’t worry about that right now just get her.

I started exercising more at the beginning of this week and have made improvements. No one in our family or circle of friends has been infected yet. Not a bad way to start the year.

Since it is January 1st I am closing out my 2020 finances and each day going forward will do a bit more of my annual financial updating, tracking and planning. This year I am double checking all passwords too to try to minimize risk. Paper financial records will get shredded, computer ones backup or put on Dropbox. Will be spread out over a week or so though.

What do you do at the beginning of each year?


  1. I'll be much happier once we get past the sixth and that coming idiocy!

  2. End of year financials completed here, now just some shredding left to do. I always try to line up a few goals as well.

    God bless.

  3. At the beginning of each year I feel an urge to declutter in order to lighten up my life for the new year. Tomorrow we're tackling the garage. Always feels good.

  4. Eat more stuff from freezer & pantry to get ready for canning & freezing during gardening season. Karen


Five plus on Friday

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