
Saturday, January 2, 2021

18 days to inauguration

And what could still go wrong? Let’s hope it isn’t significant.

I got my financial review pretty much done yesterday and one thing I was reminded of is that almost all of our CDs will have to be renewed this year. Wishing interest rates were better but that is a small thing in the midst of this pandemic. We will make short term decisions again and be quite grateful to have this challenge.

I’ve decided that in addition to my 2021 areas of focus and monthly goals plus key to do list I need a word or phrase of the year. It has to be some variation of focus on what I can control or influence. Steady small steps in the right direction seems to be my focus for the year right now. Not exactly inspiring but perhaps right for this time.

Do you have a word or phrase of the year?


  1. Ya, I do. "Hope, health and moving forward."

    I really am looking forward to the inauguration and hope it's peaceful.

    Today I want to side down and plan my coming months. I have much to do.

    1. Great phrase for the year and you do have a lot to get done! I expect the inauguration to be peaceful but Jan 6th is a different story. Very sad.

  2. I do not as of now this year..nut id I did it would be either hope or health

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  4. I'm actually nervous about jan.6th with the proud boys in DC threatening violence. plus the A#*hole republicans that are going to challenge the electoral votes. I just do NOT get why they are still trying to undermine democracy. I think once the 6th is done, I'll feel better. I don't or haven't done the word thing for the year.

    1. I agree that the 6th is going to be difficult and probably violent on the streets. Lots of jockeying for the next election explains the Republicans who are challenging the electoral votes plus a few who have no clue about the constitution or democratic government. Won't change the outcome but will clearly label those who are anti-democracy and pro-unfounded conspiracies or just plain old self interest driven.

  5. Last year my word was compassion - which became interesting working part time in retail during a pandemic. This year's word (which I'm not actually sure IS a word) is teachability, which I think of as the willingness to learn plus action.

    1. Great word and I checked - it is in the dictionary. Compassion, pandemic and a retail job would make an interesting mix. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I don't usually have a word or phrase, but I think if I picked one for this upcoming year it would be Joy. There is always something joyful even in the darkest of times.

    God bless.

  7. Juhli, one step at a time. That's all I can do. I'll feel better when Biden is finally in the White House.

  8. Well I hope I don't double up my comment here. I started typing and it disappeared. I think my word for the year is going to be "focus." As a person who is blessed to be living with cancer (thanks to God, modern medicine, and a great medical team), I've learned that whatever I allow my mind to think about will eventually guide my life.


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