
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thankful Thursday #15 - December 31st and 2020 is a wrap

This made me laugh but its so true!

I hope you have had a positive week as this time of year can be difficult under the best of circumstances. But 2020 is over with tonight and here's hoping for a better 2021! It is 9am in California so noon in DC. 20 days until Trump is gone !

1. Our son and DIL are so fun and lovely to spend time with.

2. We gave and received just a few gifts and they were just right for each recipients. Minimalism at its best.

3. We had a nice Zoom call with me eldest nephew Christmas Eve and FaceTime with granddaughter, other son and DIL. At 3 pm on Christmas Day that son and DIL looked like one wound up 4 year old had worn them out! Ah, memories of our own parenting days.

4. A city councilman in Pasadena gave out a free turkey to any resident so our son and DIL brought theirs with them. We had a mini-Thanksgiving dinner Christmas Day which was fun so I’m thankful to whoever he is lol.

5. We diligently ate leftovers and figured out what to do with remnant foods we don't normally buy. Thankful for the food and our creativity!

6. I started trying to build a new exercise habit on this past Monday and am thankful I have a lovely safe place to take walks and that I have room in my home to exercise.


  1. Glad you enjoyed Christmas, and I hope you have a blessed and Happy New Year!

  2. What a lovely Christmas you got to celebrate.

    Here is to a much better 2021.

    God bless.

  3. You live in such a beautiful area for walking, and it's replete with my beloved oak trees. Every time we go through that area I'm overwhelmed with childhood memories. Enjoy our beautiful weather this weekend, and Happy New Year to you and yours.

  4. Glad that you enjoyed such a good visit with your son and DIL. Yay for free anything...especially food. We had a small turkey breast which was quite moist. Will have to do that again. I am still in holiday mode - eating too much and indulging in some fancy (for us) cocktails. Come Monday, I must get back to some semblance of a diet and exercise routine.


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