
Sunday, January 3, 2021

17 days to inauguration & my son's 50th!

 Today is my older son's 50th birthday! He is doing great and I am so thrilled with the kind of man he is including how kind he is. They are stopping by for lunch on their way to pick something up which is very welcome. They assured us they had only been to the grocery store since we saw them last.

In other news, I received a jury summons to show up in person - yikes. Fortunately if you are over 70 you can just say you can't and you will be excused. With almost all of California in a super lockdown state I find it hard to believe they want anyone to show up in person for jury duty but I guess it has to go on. It will go on without me though.


  1. Wow?? seriously??? I didn't know that about jury duty. Is that all of California. I sat on a jury last fall and it was brutal being closed in with other people. Hey, I like your countdown...till inauguration. Keep doing that.

    1. I don't know if it is all of Calif or not. On the back of my jury summons where you can ask to be excused I found under the medical reason a line that said if you were over 70 you didn't need a letter from a Dr. So I checked that and sent it back.

  2. Hmmmm, I guess they can't have a trial on Zoom. But actually ... why not?

  3. So glad that you will not have to be at the jury selection. I think here in Canada trials are being done via Zoom or other such method.

    God bless.

  4. Gosh, I hope they have the same rule about jury selection here in my state. I've been on a jury before so I don't feel bad saying that. A my age I don't want to drive downtown, deal with parking and not having access to the bathroom as often as I'd like.

    Congratulations on raising a son you are very proud of!

    1. At least I think I helped him have a good foundation but the last 30+ years of choices have been his.

  5. Happy Birthday to your son. I got the application to serve on jury duty 2 years in a row, though I was never called. This year I didn't get a letter. Karen


Five plus on Friday

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