
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thankful Thursday #14 - Christmas Eve

If you celebrate - Merry Christmas! 

Regardless I hope that tomorrow brings a joyous spirit to your heart.

I am thankful to all of you who have shared your lives and thoughts through this blog.

1. We are able to go for walks, or in Hubby’s case walks and bike rides, safely and the good weather has held. Our home is comfy and has room to spread out.

2. Putting up just a few Christmas decorations was the right thing to do. My village that brings back so many childhood and parenting memories, a touch of (fake) greenery, lights and hanging decorations. Just right.

3. Thankful once again that our sons want to see us badly enough to basically isolate for 2 weeks in advance. We are doing the same of course for Christmas with our local son and DIL.

4. We were able to order the dog’s newly prescribed renal support food online so no going out required for us. The delivery drivers aren’t so lucky but I am thankful we can keep our little dog as healthy as possible. 

5. It dawned on me to ask to borrow some puzzles and games from a friend instead of buying anything. Now we have a lot more options of things to do while son and DIL are with us over Christmas. Got to love porch exchanges.

6. I saw a recipe for chicken fajitas that looked easy so we had that for dinner on tortillas with a simple salad of lettuce, tomato and cheese with a side of corn. We really enjoyed having some variety and are glad to add a new dinner option to the rotation that fits our goals of healthy, tasty and fast to make.

7. We found a neighborhood that went all out on Christmas lights this year and had our traditional drive to admire the results of other people’s hard work. I acknowledge I really do love twinkly lights in quantity any time of year.

8. I forged ahead and got my DIL’s favorite cookies (soft ginger cookies) made and festively wrapped. We are giving them a nice check but want each to get some token gift that they will enjoy.


  1. Another very thankful Thursday--so much to be grateful for! I like your idea of a token gift for adult kids and a nice check. We do that, too, and it sure does simplify things. I think the kids look forward to it, also. Merry Christmas to you, Juhli, and to your family!

    1. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones as well! And our very adult children do appreciate money or something on their list. The son here for Christmas will be 50 on Jan 3rd!

    2. Our son will be 50 on January 1st! Sometimes it's hard to believe our kids are old enough to be AARP members!

  2. Sounds like a lovely Christmas at your place. Merry Christmas - Karen

  3. As always, your 'thankful' list is powerful reminder to count our blessings.

    My neighbors up and down the street when all out for Christmas lights this year. Nice to see.

    1. I think people needed to bring joy to their own homes this year. We are going to take our son and DIL out to see them tonight if the weather cooperates.

  4. A lovely list of thankfulness.

    Merry Christmas.

    God bless.

  5. Merry Christmas!! I have to say that Covid gave us a peaceful Christmas here, if nothing else. I loved the day. You and you husband raised a very close-knit family and that it is evident in their willingness to quarantine in preparation for your visit.
    Glad you got out your village. And enjoyed having it out. I was bah humbug about decoration and then snapped out of it. Yay for making the soft ginger cookies, too.
    Looking forward to building our friendship in the coming year.


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