
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Stuff will get done - January 2021 small goals & actions

It is almost 2021 and goals, resolution, word of the year or whatever planning time! I've settled on five big categories of planning and focus for 2021.

1. A stronger and healthier me

2. Keeping my life in order - and maybe even improving that order

3. Being an effective service club President

4. Connecting more and in different ways

5. Having more "fun" despite the pandemic

Now comes the tough part of figuring out specific actions for each month and week that will move those along.

Here goes the first try!


1. A stronger and healthier me - focus on posture and flexibility. 

Why? All those months of sitting on the couch while my foot healed messed up both. So my initial step to a healthier and stronger me starts primarily there.

    - Use stretching routine and PT exercises at least 3 times a week

    - Make a habit of standing, walking and sitting with correct posture

    - Get custom orthotics made

2. Keeping my life in order - January focus on finances.

Why? We are thinking of doing our own tax returns this year for one thing. Secondly we want to plan my first minimum distribution, what to do with maturing CDs and give more. Lastly, I need to overall address computer back up and security so starting with financial documents.

    - Annual financial review and planning

    - Tax return preparations

    - Financial files cleaned up and backed up

3. Being an effective service club President - focus on special projects while continuing monthly board and general membership meetings.

Why? We have these 4 big things to address and leading the charge falls in my lap although others will help with the work.

    - Scholarship applications announced to high schools

    - Required reports completed by 1/24 deadline

    - Research changing insurance providers to save money

    - Bylaw revision done and ready to submit to members for a vote 

4. Connecting more with family and friends.

Why? The pandemic means connections are even more important.

    - Niece has a birthday; try to Zoom or FaceTime with her

    - Best friend from Atlanta days; same

    - FaceTime granddaughter and send her a funny card

    - Call Hubby's 2 aunts and at least 2 of his cousins

    - Write and/or call 2 cousins

5. Have more "fun" despite pandemic.

Why? I find myself mindlessly browsing the internet or being at loose ends. Retirement isn't easy for me especially during a pandemic!

    - Pursue one hobby (existing or new) 

    - Read at least 4 books; try to make 2 of them ones that make me think

    - Sign up for at least one OLLI class


  1. Sounds as if you are well on the way to pursuing those goals.

    God bless.

  2. In typical Juhli fashion, you have come up with some good goals for the new year and have a strong plan for tackling them straight out of the gate. I know how silly it sounds, but somehow I thought/hoped on 01.01.2021 all worries and thoughts of the pandemic would be in the past. Silly me.
    I look forward to ways you find fun in the coming year. Retirement has been a day-to-day struggle for me. There are days when I am fine, then there are days when I am completely lost. Maybe we can help each other through the hard days.

    1. Yes absolutely to helping each other through this. I was just having this conversation with a friend today. I don’t think it was silly to think it would be over with as we all need hope and to look forward to better times again. Stay safe and well so you can enjoy them when they come.

  3. Good, solid planning for 2021, Juhli! I might "borrow" some of your goals. I applaud you and your husband for wanting to do your own taxes. We should probably try to do that, but I trust our accountant more than myself! I wanted to tell you that my daughter and I had foot issues many years ago, and were prescribed Foot Leveler Orthotics. We still have them, and wear them often, but we don't have to wear them full-time any more. We opted for the full foot style and purchased athletic shoes in a half size larger and a bit wider. They were painful at first, but they eventually helped heal our problems. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas, and I hope you're able to feel much satisfaction as you reach your goals for 2021!

  4. Thank you and I’m glad both of you had your foot problems resolve. I will be getting custom orthotics but had to wait for the post surgery swelling to be gone before they could be made.


March Reads - First half

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