
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Thankful Thursday #5 - Oct 22nd

Continuing the preventive health catch up so this week it was a blood draw to prepare for my virtual physical. 

Still focused on being thankful for my life!

1. A lovely Sunday visit and brunch at our son and DIL’s Pasadena home. Enjoyed the drive and change of lockdown location too. Bonus was that they sent us home with a batch of pulled pork which made a great dinner entree.

2. My office rearranging and refreshing is working out well. I still want to find a small plant for the cabinet by the window and pick something from our stored art/keepsakes to hang on the wall over the printer.

3. I was able to walk the dog on the usual short route I was taking with her before surgery. She is out of shape too but it will be quite a while before we can do the long route so that is ok. We old girls will build our strength and stamina back up together.

4. I decided to stick with the mobile hairdresser for now even though hair salons have reopened here. Less exposure to COVID, less cost and we both get haircuts. The first one grew out ok so I am thankful this is available to us. The lower cost means we can tip very generously and help an entrepreneur. 

5. We had fun as usual playing our speedy with no scorekeeping version of Scrabble. Puts the emphasis on playing the whole board and coming up with words quickly. Works for us. 

6. Sitting with the front door open listening to 2 or 3 owls hooting. Saw hawks earlier so it seems the little prey animals have repopulated the area after the wildfire 2 years ago. I enjoy both types of birds but particularly owls.

7. And last but not least, I was able to get a “normal” pair of shoes on and stand in the kitchen cooking for several hours with no pain! I am so over wearing my very adjustable sandals and don’t love athletic shoes or slippers as my only option so I am thankful to have one more choice. Note to self for when have surgery on the other foot - it takes about 13 weeks to get to this point.


  1. A mobile hairdresser? What a cool idea! We've got mobile dog groomers so why not with people during these weird times.

  2. It sounds like you're doing well. Appreciate your health updates--very informative for those who might be considering the same type of surgery.

    1. I'm glad it is helping. When I had a routine dr visit yesterday she said she tells her patients to expect it to take 9 months for their foot to go back to "normal" after bunion surgery. Swelling is the culprit and they say 6 to 12 months for that to resolve 100%. Then there is nerve reawakening as the numbness goes away. I'm very glad I did it but it is a long road.

  3. Love your thankful Thursday posts. There is always something to be thankful for.

    God bless.

  4. Oh man, I need a mobile hairdresser/cutter. Gonna finally hit the pedicures today, but would not mind if they were mobile as well. Glad you are headed back to normal footwear

  5. Mobile hair cutting? Yes, please!!
    Glad you were able to walk the pup. You two will get back to your normal, longer walk and routine soon.
    We went for a mani/pedi last weekend and the salon was empty when we got there. I was very happy. They had plexiglass in place and all employees masked. But as soon as we sat down, BAM...about 5 women came in. I really felt like they should have turned some away.
    Love the way you play Scrabble. PC comes from a very competitive Scrabble and Upwords playing family. I can't think beyond 3 letter words. Ha!!


March Reads - First half

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