
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

First Fall Bucket List Update

 It is time for our first Fall Bucket List Update so how am I doing?

Do some nesting activities

1. Try out different recipes and ways of cooking

  • Air fryer sweet potato fries were a success taste wise and understanding how the thing works! I'd make them again and they had just a little kick with garlic, paprika, salt and pepper added before cooking.
  • Lots of brown sugar? Make brown sugar raisin muffins!

2. Add to our safety at home and for emergencies

  • Tried and failed to find a non-slip shower mat that will work with the tile put in by previous owners. We will just have to continue to be careful and be thankful for grab bars.
  • Put up one additional smoke alarm and replaced another.
  • Stocked up on more canned goods for the pantry.

3. Figure out where to store the equipment used while recovering from foot surgery. 

  • Rearranged the bath linen closet and was able to store the cane, walking boot, etc. 
  • Now to figure out what to do with the bed backrest? It wasn't that comfortable so I may donate it and find a different solution next time.

4. Clear out guest closet of stored items not needed. No action yet.

5. Improve our cyber security.  No action yet.

Help others affected by the pandemic

6. Make larger than usual donations to targeted charitable and cultural organizations

  • So far we have donated to Ventura County Foodshare. I'm making one donation a month.
Spend time with MY important people

7. Experiment with ways to be more social and to have date nights while keeping risk low

  • Had brunch with our local son and DIL as they are headed to visit her family for the month of November and want to quarantine themselves first. 
  • We planned for our son and DIL to spend Christmas weekend with us. I might actually break out the decorations that have languished in the garage for 3 Christmases.
  • I had lunch with two close friends twice. Decided I am too uncomfortable with the risk level given how they are doing it so will not continue. Had an interesting follow up discussion with one friend who said she doesn’t understand the concept of widening circles of contacts as a risk increasing factor (when you are in unprotected contact with a person you are in contact with everyone they have unprotected contact with).
8. See our granddaughter, son & DIL in person again if safety permits
  • We are going to Berkeley for 10 days at the beginning of December! Something to look forward to.

Explore the world in many ways and entertain myself from my home

9. Read more widely and intelligently. Still need to figure out what that means. 

10. Utilize media in different ways. No action yet

11.  Make art. 

  • Played with my watercolor pens. Decided they aren't for me. I prefer colored pencils and art markers. I used to paint with acrylics and that is what I would use if I start painting again.
12. Find a series/show to binge watch and get hooked. 

  • Watched Van der Valk on PBS Masterpiece Mystery via streaming on PBS Passport available for donors. Watched all 3 episodes shown so far. 
  • Frankie Drake Mysteries also on PBS Passport. Loved all 3 seasons.

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  1. Your sweet tator fries sound delicious. I think I need to add a fall closet clean-out to my bucket list.

  2. Loved Frankie Drake as well!!

    You are doing very well with your Fall Bucket List.

    God bless.

  3. Those sweet potatoes fries look amazing! I think it's great that you are addressing safety in your bucket list and helping others. Congratulations on your progress so far and good luck in the coming months!

  4. Oh, my gravy, what a great way to begin the post...with those scrumptious sweet potato fries. I love them so much. Haven't used an air fryer before.
    I think you have made the right decision about the face-to-face lunch dates. Just so risky right now. We have only visited with my daughter, son-in-law and 2 granddaughters. PC did play ball a couple of Saturdays but they all wore masks, and the wives sat apart, with masks.
    Good job in making moving about the house safer and easier as you continue to recover. And I am sure your generous heart is most appreciated by those who benefit from the food bank.
    Glad you are going to see the fam early in December. Yes, get out those decorations...carefully!!


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