
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thankful Thursday

 Back to only the two of us plus our poodle sidekick as of Sunday afternoon. They may be back as the fire continues to be out of control. Smoke situation all depends on where the fire is headed and the winds.

- I have to start with this one. On Saturday, since they didn’t have to work all day, my son and DIL decided to make something I’ve never cooked but love at restaurants - pulled pork sandwiches. Stove top because that is all we have. Homemade sauce. Coleslaw to go with. I feel loved and that I have had such a treat.

- My club received a $1,000 donation from a board member to split between the scholarship fund and general local charity fund. We now have funded one of three scholarships we usually give to needy local graduating seniors who are usually first in family to go on to post high school education of some sort. I’m very happy that we are raising funds through donations since we can’t have our usual fun fundraising events.

- I had a pile of CVS coupons and was able to get $20 of a bottle of 365 allergy pills that don’t expire until May 2021. Since we each take one every day I am thankful to save money on that.

- Had my first and only pumpkin spice latte of the Fall. They are never as good as I hope but one is fun and I am thankful I was able to get it after physical therapy.

- The water pressure at the kitchen sink had gotten really low. Hubby fond some crud buildup inside the sprayer head and was able to fix it.

- Continuing in the plumbing problem category, the tank on one of our toilets stopped filling after a flush. We called our handyman and it turned out the water line was completely clogged. Thank you Camarillo extremely hard water. Fixed for $35 service charge so I am thankful.

- On Wednesday 9 weeks after my bunion surgery I got down on my yoga mat and did my stretch/Pilates dvd routine. Getting up was pretty comical but I worked it out. I am so thankful I could do it as my body was getting stiff and sore despite doing stretches off the floor! 

- We ate really well this week. Such a lovely abundance of good and healthy food.

Friday- sea bass with delicious sauce and mashed potatoes and spinach plus Mediterranean salad takeout from a local restaurant 

Saturday- the “kids” made our special pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw and watermelon dinner

Sunday- salmon with Asian pear and leftover coleslaw sides

Monday- love leftovers so more pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw and watermelon 

Tuesday- turkey burgers, pinto beans and yellow summer squash.

Wednesday- green lentil and carrot soup and fruit salad


  1. I need you to elaborate on your stove top only comment - do you really not have an oven, and if so, is that due to a size restriction of kitchens at your 55+ community? Super curious!

    Otherwise, happy you are enjoying a bounty of good and healthy food, and that you had your son and DIL with you for a nice long visit. 😊

    1. We do have a full oven but no oven proof pot to do this in. I was thinking vs crock pot not oven though!
      Stove top worked great on 3 1/2 pounds of pork. Came out delicious.

    2. I use pork loin in the crock pot. Love my crock pot!!

  2. You both that an allergy pill daily? I'm kind of shocked by that.

    I must say you guys sure eat better than I do.

  3. Well, Hubby has always had "hay fever", etc. I became terribly sensitized to pollen and such after we moved to Atlanta 23 years ago. It has continued back in Calif and we also have lots of dust and farm field stuff blowing around. Otherwise our nose and throats drip LOL.

  4. Your meals sound delicious. I wonder if you could share your lentil and carrot soup recipe? Sounds like something we would enjoy.

    God bless.

    1. Jackie, I sort of follow this recipe. However I use French green lentils because we like them better and double the recipe to use a full bag at once. I like to add red pepper flakes or curry powder for some heat. Usually don't have celery on hand so sub red or green pepper. This time I used homemade chicken broth. Cooking is like that isn't it?

  5. You guys eat pretty well! Glad you're able to move around now and do some yoga.

  6. So glad your family cooked for YOU. Yay for the scholarships your club is providing. What good work!!
    I am so enjoying seeing you in the GYPO outfits. You look so put together. And you wear the fall colors beautifully.

    1. Hubby and I usually cook dinner together and we cooked together for our company but got take out twice too. He had to do all the cooking for 6 weeks after my surgery. The "kids" always cook us delicious meals at their house but were working so intensely and long hours so we did all the cooking as a treat for them. Glad they have jobs!

  7. Those meals sound delicious, especially the home made pulled pork. Yay for the scholarships your club provides, I am a member of a retirees' group that provides scholarships from donations members make. It makes me smile to think of it.


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