
Sunday, August 9, 2020

The week ahead and behind

Besides being tired of being one footed (but very grateful to be healing well) I am finally back to having an almost fully functioning brain and looking forward to things.

I am grateful for the above but especially to having FaceTime visits two days in a row with my granddaughter and her parents. That little girl is so bubbly again now that she is back in nursery school with her friends. All the kids and teachers wear masks all day and stay in their small group, etc.

I am also grateful for having married a good and caring man. Doing almost everything is wearing him out but he hasn’t complained. Today I realized my knee scooter wasn’t adjusted right and he got it fixed quickly which should alleviate some aches for me.

I am planning to start in the morning to send out communications to my club regarding our September general meeting and program. Still uncomfortable to sit at my desk but I can do it in small doses.

I am looking forward to trading my cast for a walking boot although I expect to have to gradually increase the pressure I put on my foot. Then I am looking forward to getting outside a bit and being able to do more around the house!


  1. I am so glad to read you are healing well.

    I wish our schools would mandate mask wearing, but so far they have not.

    God bless.

    1. Yes mask mandates in schools are essential. This is a preschool/daycare center in Berkeley where the city has more stringent rules than the state. Still a risk but she sure is happy to be back at school.

  2. It's wonderful that you're healing on schedule. Makes it easier when you have a good life-partner on hand.

  3. Isn't it amazing how valuable "normal life" becomes when we face physical challenges? It is a huge blessing to have a partner to lean on during the best of times, but even more so when we're trying to heal. It sounds like you're doing very well. Happy for you!!

  4. so glad to hear your foot is improving.

  5. Nice to hear that things are moving along on schedule!

  6. Hear, hear...thank goodness for good and caring men. Glad you have enjoyed two recent Facetime sessions with your granddarling. She does look very vivacious in the photos you've shared. My grands keep me in smiles.


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