
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Goodbye cast, hello boot

Someone commented that they were surprised ho long it took to recover from bunion surgery. It certainly depends on which of the 100+ ways of fixing a bunion your surgeon used but in my case they basically broke my foot below my big toe bones and then pinned it back in a different way. So I am recovering from a broken foot plus foot surgery incisions.

Today though was the end of week 3 of recovery and I have graduated from a cast to a walking boot. Yeah!

Now for the focused work to start walking again and to make my big toe move up and down with a full range of motion. Walking first with 2 crutches, then one and then  on my own. But I can shower again and take the boot off when sleeping.


  1. When you think about all the weigh our feet have to hold up, all the pressure it gets when we walk, I'm not surprised at how long it recovers from foot surgery. Glass you're making good progress.

    1. Thanks. The dr is certainly happy with how it is progressing. A lot to heal.

  2. Yeah for the walking boot. You are really on the mend.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks. I’m really glad I didn’t wait till it was worse and I was older.

  3. Showering and taking off the boot are big progress.

  4. I am glad to know more about this surgery. Thank you for explaining. Sounds terribly painful but then so are the bunions. Not sure what I have going on but it sure hurts. So glad you are making forward progress and can get around more now.


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...