
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Diary Day 32: Sunshine and leftovers

Your reading assignment for today LOL - Should I disinfect my groceries?

Nothing much going on here. A gorgeous day so I took the dog on a good long walk and then took a quite long one by myself. Ordered a couple of short sleeve tees and sent back a couple I had previously ordered and that were way bigger than the size listed.

Pruned another bush. We are quite limited in the amount of trash we can put out so I will finish after tomorrow's trash pick up.

Was unable to finish the scholarship application review as 4 were inadvertently not emailed to us. I'm sure they will come soon. So far I have picked out 6 of 12 reviewed for further analysis. Five left to review. Lots of compelling stories and goals and initiative so far in their young lives. I always want to give to all of them but we can only do 3.

Finished reviewing all the non-Christmas CDs my son and DIL passed on. I've kept 33 for now and 203 have been or will be donated. Now for the 15 Christmas ones! My DIL loves Christmas and since I am thoroughly tired of the few we have I'll pick out some new ones and pass the rest on.

Got a note from another cousin and I loved the line where she said her husband is "already a self-isolating kind of guy" and so isn't having as much difficulty with this as she is. She teaches high school art and is trying to do that remotely. My younger son had commented that he wasn't struggling as much with the stay at home order as his wife as he realized that staying home and doing projects was exactly what he likes to do! My Hubby's comment - sometimes being content alone is a useful skill. He is starting to crave in person contact with people other than me though.

No interest in figuring out dinner so we had leftover pizza with raw veggies and fruit.


  1. Sounds like you had a beautiful day. I read so much differing evidence on the grocery thing I probably overreact. I figure my house is the barrier and my job is to keep this side of the barrier getm free. So.i leave all non perisible packaging in the car for 48 hours and wipe down the others quickly before I put things away...even ss I know I am most likely overreacting. But we also dont do take out or anything like that.

    1. It is surely better to overreact than to be one of those who is ignoring the social distancing, etc.! No harm in what you are doing and it may be right. They are still learning so much.

  2. I wipe down all of the groceries that come into the house too, and then let them dry before putting away. I have heard tv doctors say that grocery wipe down probably isn't necessary, but sadly in our area some of the store employees have come down with the virus. I don't know if any of the store shelf stockers have been getting sick, so it just seems safer to me to wipe our groceries down.

    We don't do any take out either. Planning and preparing dinner is so repetitive now. Sometimes my brain gears feel like they just grind to a halt when trying to figure out what to fix for dinner. Then we end up with a frozen dinner for my husband and a can of soup for myself. I enjoyed cooking before, now it is wearing on me. I should be thankful we have good food to cook. It also makes me appreciate my Mom and all of the years she cooked a good dinner, day in and day out.We didn't have any fast food places around here until the mid 1970's, and Mom and Dad never bought food from them.

    1. When I was a child we went out to eat about once a year and then it was to get burgers at the drive in place where they hooked the tray on the car door and set your food. It was more that we were quite low income I think although certainly there were many fewer restaurants. We have done take out exactly 3 times so less than once a week but it has been lovely.

  3. Sounds like your family is doing a good job dealing with the changes we're all facing.

    1. We are trying. Some days feeling sad, lonely, etc. but trying to turn it around.

  4. Me bad. I don't wipe down my groceries, but I do wash all fruit and veggies very well.

    God bless.

  5. I have done this hit or miss which is certainly not ideal!! Today I cautioned PC about taking the shopping bags into the house before I could unpack and wipe everything. He poo-poohed my efforts. But we did taken off our shoes, and masks before coming into the house, and washed our hands good.
    I wish you and I could go for a walk! Together!! With our grand kids!! How about that for a big dream?


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