
Friday, April 10, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Diary Day 26: More store changes for the good

Connecting while Distancing - Chatted briefly with my friend from across the street and another neighbor who was also out walking her dog. Called our DIL for her 50th Birthday!

Carrying On - Went to Vons for the first time in over 2 weeks. Good changes - one way aisles, senior/disabled shopping hours from 7 to 9 each weekday morning, sneeze guards in front of cashiers, all staff wearing masks. And surprise, although we don't need any they actually had some toilet paper and paper towels and paper goods were the only items with limits. Still some empty shelves in the canned goods area, but overall in pretty good shape. Picked up a nice bottle of wine to go with our take out restaurant anniversary dinner tomorrow night.

I saw that the VOX news online book club picked "Epidemics and Society: From the Black Death to the Present" by Frank Snowden while the World Economic Forum rated it the #1 book to read for context on the coronavirus outbreak. I bought the Kindle version as it sounds like a pertinent science book to read at this time and I need a science book for my book group challenge. It is considered a textbook so it may be heavy going - we will see.

It was an overcast, brisk, occasionally drizzly day so I did the laundry, took the dog for a long walk and read some more. I'm thinking I should make some more masks so if one of us gets sick there will be enough to wash, dry and wear at the same time. A good project for this weekend.

Thankful for - The food and other supply chains that are bringing most of what we need and much of what we want to the grocery and drugstores. Now if they will just figure out how to NOT have farmers throwing away food because of changing patterns of demand around the country!


  1. Another blogger read that book and was surprised that she really like it. Sounds like heavy reading so I'm looking forward to your impressions/review.

    Glad to hear about the changes in your grocery story. I will need to go next week and I'm hoping to find paper products.

    1. I'm glad someone else liked it - encourages me. Go early to find paper products would be my guess.

  2. I am thankful to everyone working and keeping our country running, and your post reminds me how important the truck drivers are, to keep our grocery shelves and pharmacies supplied. You saw paper products, wow, none available here.

    1. There certainly weren't many packages of either and I suspect they would all be gone by the time the store was open to the general public. First sighting in weeks though.

  3. Just received word that the pictures I sent to Walgreens to be developed are ready for pick up. Will don my mask and venture out. Haven't been anywhere outside my neighborhood in about a week. Will be glad for a few moment's distraction.

    Let us know about the book. I am sure it will be fascinating but I would have trouble following along if it gets to scientific.

    Glad you were able to get to the store and find everything you need.

    1. I will let you know about the book but it is quite long so it may be a while. Outings are taking on an outsized importance right now aren't they.

  4. It does seem as if each day blends with the next. Of course, getting out walking is the best. We don't have any close neighbors to chat with. I went to the store( our HOliday Market) and was surprised how much they had. I did forget to get bell peppers but oh well.

    1. Glad your store was stocked. I'm in the "oh well" phase of grocery shopping and cooking. Don't have it - buy something else. Don't have it - cook something else. Hard to get too invested in food choices right now.

    2. Or the 'Oops, I forgot it. Oh well' phase - the days of returning to the market for one item are over for the foreseeable future I am thinking.

    3. Yes to the "Oops, I forgot it" addition! I'm finding I feel pressured to hurry through the grocery store - pressuring myself that is.


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...