
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Diary Day 27: Post Corona bucket list or Corona bucket list?

I saw this post Bucket list for post Corona and thought it was a great idea! I like to plan and anticipation is at least half the joy of doing things so I'm thinking about starting one myself. Like most people I would have lots of "see and hug so-and-so" on my list. Sons, DILs, granddaughter, brother and SIL, cousins, aunts, nieces & nephews, friends. Hope we are safely able to do that sooner rather than later.

That being said I read this morning a statement from a public health scientist saying that the stay at home order really shouldn't be lifted fully until there are consistently fewer than 10 new cases of Covid occurring. Makes sense, but I'm not happy about it of course. Will masks be the new normal then? If so hopefully we will have access to real ones.

This BBC articleBBC article seems to lay out really well the currently known challenges with a return to even quasi-normal. Not to depress you LOL.

That being said, perhaps a Stay Safe at Home Bucket List is more appropriate. Tops on mine is getting better able to use technology to connect with others and finding a hobby and/or learning project that will truly engage me.

Carrying On - I made another attempt to trim the dog's face & bottom shorter plus trim her feet. She hates her front feet to be touched unless it is for a massage, but old pro at grooming that she is, she held really still. Knows what scissors mean for sure. I think she was holding her breath as much as I was, but there were no problems. I'm going to keep working on her bit by bit and hope I don't make a too much of a mess of it as it must be done.

It was a beautiful breezy, sunny, fairly warm day and I took a quite long walk and found other excuses to be outside for a bit.


  1. Getting my dog to the groomer will be on the top of my post-stay-at-home bucket list. The weirdest part is I sent all my dog grooming tools to an auction house just before the lock-down, because I've preferred to have it done professionally for the past 6-7 years. I can throw on a hat to cover my shaggy hair but the dog will be way too hot with his long hair.

    1. I wish I even knew how to groom her. She is skeptical when I try LOL. And yes to the being way too hot.

  2. Look at you turning into the professional dog groomer. Necessity is the mother of invention, they say!!

    Our stay at home restrictions have been extended through 05.17 as of last night. Ugh. More than a month longer. I assume that means the schools will not reopen in El Paso for the school year. In light of the continued restrictions, I am making a grocery list. Most of my spring bucket list items were created with the virus in consideration but I never dreamed we would be locked up almost all of the spring. Stay healthy!!

    1. Hardly a professional dog groomer lol. So far only her face & pompadour, bottom and feet. She looks concerned when I approach with the scissors but holds very still.


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...