
Sunday, March 15, 2020

What Matters Most Spring Bucket List - The Pandemic Edition

It is that time again! Join in and share what your most important plans are for Spring.

I decided to make mine pretty focused tasks this time around in hopes I will do them all. The unwritten one is to help keep our family healthy!

How do you approach you quarterly or monthly bucket lists or goal setting?

Show my Love
·        Spend as much time with loved ones as possible
o   Travel to Berkeley once and/or spend time with them virtually
o   DIL’s 50th Birthday party was cancelled so find a way to help her feel celebrated
o   Facetime and mail with granddaughter
o   Letters and calls with elderly aunts, cousins and brother
·        Be a good friend
o   Find ways to help them keep their spirits up and/or do something helpful or kind for 6 friends
·        Support my community by donating to the food bank

Plan Ahead while Hunkering Down
·        Take on greater role in service club
o   Create action plan for taking on role of President and start implementing
·        Tentatively plan trips to San Antonio and to visit family in NH

Care for Myself
·        Actually follow an exercise plan
·        Implement a learning plan
o   Pick a topic – Perhaps “The Blues”? Upcycling/remaking clothes? Or perhaps pandemics lol! 
o   Pursue reading, listening, watching, doing options for learning

Utilize Our Existing Stuff
·        Focus on home maintenance not improvements
o   Go through the art we have in closets, frame if needed and hang
o   Make patio a place we use but still easy to keep clean
o   Deep clean & declutter room by room including garage
o   Energy audit scheduled
·        Focus on wearing what I have and adding no more than 5 items
o   Alter pants/jeans
o   Put together summer wardrobe capsule and shopping list (if needed)
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  1. You are always so organized and focused. I need to take a page out of your book.

  2. I love your seasonal bucket lists! Such a good reminder for me to plan service, family, and fun, rather than just letting them sit in the back of my mind where they gather dust till I find that the next season is upon me without having done anything on any front.

  3. That is a great list! I threw mine together before all this hit so I'm thinking it was more of a spring wish list at this point...

  4. What a great list! I especially like your title. :-) Good luck and happy spring!

  5. So glad to read your thorough, thoughtful list. These are challenging times but having plans in place will keep us from sitting here biting our nails and pulling out our hair!! I have lots of things I want to do around the house and this is the perfect time to start tackling them. And a great time to enjoy some of the activities like reading and writing we don't always find time to do.
    Great idea to pick a subject to learn more about! Pandemics are a timely choice. I researched how to report my mom's orchid and did that today. Brought it home on the plane.
    Hope to work outside tomorrow. Decorating for spring, planting some new succulents and tidying. Hope you are enjoying sunshine and able to continue making plans for upcoming vacations. This too shall pass!!

    1. I have to say I was joking about learning about pandemics other than the up to date facts on this one. It would make me anxious! Glad you got the orchid in a new pot and I'm sure it will thrive again.

  6. I do love the organization of your list! It sounds as if you've got some really good, thoughtful ideas that you want to accomplish. I love them all but I especially love the ones about home maintenance and utilizing what you already have. I like it and will look around to do the same here.

  7. I like the idea of planning ahead while hunkering down! Well done on that one! And I plan to write (and actually mail!) notes as well! I think that will be even more important now than it always has been.


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...