
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Spring 333 Capsule Wardrobe with NO Shopping So Far

I have learned to start my capsule planning with inspiration photos including a non-clothing one. Hence the flowers in the field with an invisible blue sky with fluffy clouds above it.

My 4 accent colors and 3 neutrals reflect my palette and also what I own and enjoy wearing.

The outfit photos are from Pinterest and with one exception all the models are way younger than I am. The point is to see styles and color combos as inspiration.

So what have I included in this 33 item capsule to start my March-April-May in coastal S. Cal?

2 dresses
10 tops
5 cardigans/dusters/jackets
3 pairs tapered leg jeans & 1 pair ankle jeans
1 pair slacks
3 pairs crops/capris
3 pairs shoes
2 purses
2 coats
2 scarves

I'm not including in my count jewelry, athleisure and exercise wear, or PJs & robes, etc.

I hope to do minimal or no clothes shopping the next 3 months as I have enough. What I am willing to buy are 4 items: lightweight dress slacks, topper and a dressy top, and Spring flats. I might also pick up something from a thrift store to wear as a sartorial not to 1970 at my DILs 50th birthday party. For the latter I may just borrow something from a friend but she likes to thrift shop so we will have an outing first!

So far in March I have forgotten to take photos half the days but here are the 2 I did take. Do you see any reflection of my inspiration photos in them?


  1. You are so organized! Your color palette is very pretty.

    1. Organization is one of my super powers lol. You are very focused and organized as well. I do love these color with my gray hair and green hazel eyes.

  2. Love your photo outfits. We have the same sort of color likes. I need to do that too.

  3. Thanks. Fun that you like the same colors!

  4. What a beautiful palette. My favorite colors to wear! Green and a coral-peachy color. Although, in cleaning out my closet this week, I discovered I have mostly blues. I don't even like to wear blue. Ha!! All of my dresses are blue or a blue print. Will look forward to seeing all of the pieces in your capsule put together. If you need hangers, I have lots of empty ones now!!

    1. Blue is tricky if you are off warm coloring but there are some nice warm blues and turquoises. They are rare though. Hope you are happy with your clean out!

  5. Very nice colour palette.

    God bless.


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