
Monday, March 16, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Diary: Day 1

Well the week started off with a bang yesterday when I arrived at Trader Joes minutes before it opened at 8 on Sunday and there was a line of at least 30 people waiting to get in instead of the usual less than 5. As expected there was no toilet paper but no potatoes, no beef, no flour, no canisters of our favorite coffee - strange things cleared out. Then I saw a man clear out all the canned vegetable. Who knows - maybe he is feeding a large group.

They had signs up saying their supply chain was quite challenged and they could only order from the warehouse based on sales data from the past 3 weeks (prior to the rush here) and wouldn't receive what they ordered if there was a shortage in the warehouse. Understandable. I think things will calm down in a week or two as people find their new normal and the supply chain adjusts.

We are fine but I know many people are not so we made a big donation to our county's central food bank hoping to help those who are newly food insecure as well as the ongoing population that is. Trying to think of how else to best help those who are having difficulty coping. Ideas?

I have decided that for now I will still keep the dog's grooming appointment, my hair appointment and the scheduled carpet cleaning but no massages. I'm wondering if my routine physical in mid-April will go ahead or if they will agree to issue new prescriptions without it. We'll see.

I'm really glad I have a compatible spouse to interact with and worry about those who live alone becoming anxious and depressed. The frenzy at the grocery store today was good at raising everyone's anxiety level and encouraging the idea that we need to hoard while it is available. I tamped that down and changed my cooking plans to fit what was in stock.

So today was pretty normal as chores do continue!

But first thing in the morning I checked our county emergency website where number of tests, number of confirmed cases and their origin (travel vs community spread) and see that so far we have no confirmed community spread.

Laundry, dog walked, changed the bed and cleaned bedroom & together we got all meals fixed. Will have to keep on top of using up our stocked up food in the order of how soon it will go bad.

Wrote a note to a cousin on the East coast.

Did a morning stretching/exercise workout.

Read a bit and that was that!


  1. I really do think we have entered a new phase of how we will be living and shopping.

    God bless.

  2. It's just amazing that so many people are hoarding which actually makes the problem worse. I couldn't believe all the empty shelves today when I went.

    Our governor today banned all restaurants, coffee shops, food courts and bars from opening for the next two weeks. Going to really hurt small businesses.

    1. It is interesting how fear and the unknown is causing people to respond. I'm afraid many people and businesses will go under financially.

  3. I donated to our food pantry (thanks for mentioning it on your Spring Bucket List). Happy to see that every $1 donated to our local pantry has $7 of buying power because they partner w/ San Antonio's food bank.

  4. I know we only have contact on your blog but I am wondering whether you should reconsider your social contact in the community at this time. I heard from a friend in Wisconsin who is several years younger than me. She is an ER Charge RN. yesterday she was preparing in the hospital to deal with the virus. She is well trained and would have had physical protection. Twelve hours later she messaged to say she was extremely ill with pneumonia and fever in hospital. I am praying for her this morning.
    I know she is more likely to have come into contact with corona in the hospital but I don’t think government statistics tell the whole story as not everyone who is ill has been tested in the community.
    I urge you to think again about the appointments you have. I am going between being calm and trying not to panic but have decided to stay at home as much as I can. Do whatever you can to stay safe.
    I completely understand if you do not want this comment on your blog and delete it.

    1. Thanks for your concern and I am a firm believer in science so I share it. It is hard to figure out the right balance between isolation and the necessities. We are carefully considering our contacts each day and I'm sure it will be adjusted as time goes by. Some such as the vet, groceries, pharmacy and a few others have to continue.


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