
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Diary Day 13: Anyone else waking up too early?

Yikes - woke up wide awake at 3 am today. The dog was game to get up as she is such an obliging creature. Oddly the things on the top of my mind upon waking were what I forget to put in the document regarding caring for the dog if we can't.

Is anyone else having more trouble sleeping than usual? There was a nap later which also made the dog happy.

Connecting while Distancing - A cousin set up a Zoom call for one of Hubby's aunt's 92nd birthday. Our first time using it and we both really liked it. Now I know how to use it sufficiently for a board meeting this coming week. Our OLLI program is offering training soon on how to use Zoom so they can continue classes and I'm going to do the training so I can know about all the features.

What are you using to connect visually via the internet? Do you Facetime, Skype, Zoom, Google Hangout or something else? What kinds of connecting are you using it for?

Carrying On - Not much to add today as I was tired, ate too many carbs, drank too much coffee and generally vegged. I do need to list all the perishable food and make a plan for using or freezing it. Dinner was simply leftover chicken veggie soup, salad and bread.

Thankful for - The ability to use the internet as a means to stay connected with loved ones and friends. Also for my, high maintenance though she is, sweet little dog. A kind and interesting Hubby too.

My County's Data -  83 cases with 3 deaths. The trajectory since I started looking it up each morning is 13 - 19 - 26 - 35 - 39 - 51 - 60 - 83 confirmed cases so doubling every 3 days.


  1. I use FaceTime for my family and used it to wish my daughter a very Happy Birthday on Friday. We WhatsApp too. The speeds got a bit slow yesterday so I think the whole world is online at present. My husband is hoping to Skype with clients to do his medicolegal reports but he is new to Skype and worried it won’t work.
    At the moment I am grateful for a decent sized house with a garden; the ability to cook and having a good store cupboard and having good friends.
    As of yesterday there are 108 confirmed cases of COVID in Worcestershire but as the government are only testing those with symptoms there will be many more. We are a rural county so spread is slower than in the conurbations.
    Have a good day whatever you do.

    1. I'll have to look at WhatsApp as I had forgotten about it. Your situation sounds much like ours at the moment including although we are only testing those who are quite sick so our numbers are even higher geometrically I'm sure.

  2. I found myself struggling with sleep, too. So I've started deep breathing to help me relax. I looked up different techniques online.

  3. Juhli, coincidentally my blog post today matched yours almost point for point. I think we're all in about the same spot these days.

    We have used all the video tools you listed, and they all work well, however, in order to not experience the video feed freezing up, you need to upgrade to a pay plan. This places you at the front of the broadband line, whereas the free versions place you at the back of same line, hence the feed getting consistently interrupted. As a result, we did upgrade to the $15 dollar monthly Zoom tool, and it is working perfectly. We've had video calls of up to three hours with no loss of video feed as compared to about 20 minutes of consistent feed from the free versions of Skype, Google hangout, anf even FaceTime.

    I am sleeping well now, but hand in hand witb that is that we are walking between 4-6 miles a day. It helps immensely!

    1. Thanks for the helpful info. I didn't know you were back to blogging regularly and have added you to my sidebar.

  4. We use Facetime with the kids, and my wife has used Zoom for church meetings. But otherwise ... we've actually been sleeping later, since there's not much to get up for.

    1. Glad you are able to sleep. Mine has been up and down - great one night and terrible the next.

  5. Since our stay-at-home orders I have been waking up like clock work at 3:00 after sleeping only 2-3 hours. I've fallen into a bad habit of then taking a sleeping pill because I just can't fall back to sleep.

    1. Sorry you are having to deal with that on top of everything else.

  6. Our latest numbers in Placer county are 41 cases, 1 death. Pretty scary stuff. Your area is much more populated I'm guessing that Placer. Not using anything to connect. But I am reading way too much WP and NYT. Must stop!!!

    1. Yes, less media might help - just enough to stay helpfully informed is my goal but right now that is not what I am doing either. It looks like there are about 820,000 people in Ventura County vs about 386,000 in Placer.

  7. Definitely having problems sleeping. Even taking numerous walks in the day does not seem to help.

    God bless.


What I’m Reading Wednesday

Another book for the challenge - Prompt 50: Set in the 1940’s.  One of those plots that shifts from present day to the 1940s and back repeat...