
Friday, March 27, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Day 12: Adaptability

Little did I know when I headed out to brave grocery shopping that Trader Joe's was only letting in a handful of people at a time in sync with how many exited! I calculated to get to my spot in line would take about 90 min. so abandoned my spot and went to Smart & Final where I have never shopped. Pretty empty, lots of produce and enough other stuff if I was flexible. Forgot the bananas and soy milk but we will live.
Other important to do list items today were taking the dog on a long walk, I expanded the document we have about her care and sent it to son & DIL in case we are get really sick and they need to pick her up. Then I did some things for me like watching a Christmas lecture from The Royal Institution and reading.

We finally got take out tonight ordering a pizza from our local brewery! 
Getting the following email from my 3 year old granddaughter courtesy of her other grandma 

"Nana, I love you and I love you and I want you to see my nail polish and I love you and I want you to come to my house for my next birthday"

Connecting via messenger with 2 long distance friends who are both fine.  
Having a problem solving / adaptable mindset.
All of you who are making such helpful comments to these posts!


  1. I had heard about the Trader Joe's thing plus they have been encouraging people to separae outside. A thought that I have not tried, my brother and his wife just did a whole foods order of produce and some other things from Whole foods from Amazon. Not an expense I would usually do, but different times call for different measures. Good for you for ordering in.

    1. I do believe Trader Joe's is doing the right thing for staff and customers. I've done a bit of research on the delivery options here but so far want to get out once a week. The pizza was a lovely change!

  2. Your granddaughter's email is precious. I've always appreciated my family, but now, more than ever, I value them. Thanks for your posts, Juhli.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment. Her statement cracked me up and is so 3 year old her.

  3. No line ups here but I do expect that to change at some point.

    Sweet email from your granddaughter.

    God bless.

    1. Every trip to the grocery or drug store is a new reality and adventure now isn't it.

  4. Oh, that PRECIOUS email! And TWO 'I love yous' before she got to the nail polish! :)

    We live only about a mile from our daughter and her family, but we will be distancing from them as a) they are a fairly large-ish family with teenagers to 21 year olds who think they are invincible and not taking things as seriously as make us comfortable; and b) oldest grandson is splitting time between their house and his biological mom's (who lives right across the street from them...I know...kinda weird huh?) and bio mom is a nurse so out in the ranks daily. I miss much as one can miss teenagers. :) I'll trade ya one for a 3 year old! LOL

    What a great idea to send pup care instructions proactively!

    1. It is so hard to not see our family in person isn't it? Teenagers at least have the attention span to carry on a conversation if you can get them to hold still! The breathlessness of that email documented message from her tickled me so much

  5. What a sweet e-mail from your grand-daugther and her other grandmother is special for helping her send it.


What’s was for dinner & week’s plans

I’ve decided to just list what we ate the previous week although I’m still going to make a tentative weekly dinner plan to help with shoppin...