
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Day 9:

I am trying a Coursera course from Yale called The Science of Well-Being. I have long been interested in the application of the psychology of happiness research. There are a couple of research based books I am considering too. The topic seems apprapro.

Connecting while Distancing - Already some friends are pushing to have small group meetings but sit far apart. I understand how these very extroverted people are struggling but I'm not going even though it probably would be safe. One member offered to hold a Zoom meeting instead but I don't think that will be accepted.

I realized the majority of us are going to get this eventually. The key is to not all get it at once especially when there is a shortage of supplies for health workers and patients in the US. Sigh.

Carrying On - Yesterday I was low energy and spent too much time on social media, sitting, and drinking coffee. Back with the program today. Skip this if daily activity lists are boring!

Exercise: 30 min. stretch dvd, lower body exercises and walked dog

Learning: Completed week 1 materials of The Science of Well-Being online course

Enjoyment: Put on a cheerful pink sweater as part of my Covid Cheerful Wardrobe Capsule! Played a new to me CD that was really energizing and fun (I Am The Blues, Willie Dixon). Enjoyed the dog walk immensely what with a glorious sky, slight wind and brisk temp making me feel fully alive.

Home: Cleaned our master bathroom while Hubby tried sealing yet another window where dirt blows in when winds are strong. He also cleaned that window sill and the shutters.

Dinner: Tilapia, spinach, carrots & corn muffins

My County's Data -  35 confirmed cases with one death and now 5 cases in my town. The county's trajectory is on the same steep curve as the whole country.


  1. I am an extrovert, as you probably would suspect, but Zoom and other forms of video conferencing are completely fulfilling my needs currently. The only people I would consider having over for the next few months, once our current CA Stay in Place mandate is lifted, are my local daughter and boyfriend, and even then, only in our backyard, via the side gate, six feet apart, and with everyone bringing their own food and eating utensils. This is real, it is going to infect and hurt a whole lot of people, and until an effective treatment or vaccine is developed, we are all at risk. The information now coming from the medical community is that the verdict is still out on reinfection, and I'm keeping that top of mind as well.

    I actually had a really good day yesterday, managing to keep most of the anxiety at bay. Did a two week shopping trip, then spent time in the kitchen cooking and baking in an effort to creatively use up some random odds and ends (ricotta cheese pound cake, yum!), went for a four mile walk in the same glorious weather you did, did some spring cleaning, and read for a bit outside, drinking homebrew sun tea and gazing at a clear blue ocean in the distance as we did so.

    More of the same today, hopefully!

    1. I totally agree with your plan to avoid this at least as long as we can! I don't understand why others aren't getting it. I wish I had a taste of that pound cake!

  2. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you like The Hidden Brain w/ Shankar Vedantam on NPR. I love the science and his pleasant delivery of the program.

    I ran by the grocery after work. I had not been in weeks, as I've been doing curside orders or sending my husband, so this was my first time seeing empty bizarre. Looks like I will be baking bread this weekend. Glad I know how and have all ingredients!

  3. I wanted to take that course but forgot about it. I'm going to put it on my virus to-do list. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Proud of the way you are managing this difficult time. I like the idea of bright clothes in a Covid wardrobe capsule. I have been very lax about wearing active wear everyday but not being active!! Ha. Need to do some exercise early in the morning and then get officially dressed in REAL clothes immediately afterward. Tilapia sounds scrumptious.


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