
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Day 10: We all will have low spirits some of the time

Good days and less good ones - this shutdown has lows for sure for me and first thing this morning was one of them. A bit of time working outside solved that.

How about you - how are your spirits holding up?

Connecting while Distancing - I got a Facebook message from a long distance friend asking how we are doing. Made my day.

Facetimed with our younger son and granddaughter - so fun. She specifically asked to place hide and seek again over the phone.

Carrying On - Wore nice sweatpants and a cozy top and spent some time outside working on the patio to get it usable. I filled 2 large trash bags with pruning as I cut back the big succulent that was about 18 inches out onto the patio and swept. This area really has a nice view and vibe but we haven't used it much.

One of the reasons we don't use it is that the winds blow in lots of dirt that make keeping patio furniture clean. I realized today that right inside the patio door are this rattan chair and small table so I am going to try just putting them out when I want to sit out there and then bring them inside again.

And in line with the need for comfort today, we had homemade chicken, bean and veggie soup with salad and corn muffins.

My County's Data -  Four more confirmed cases for a total of 39. Still one death so that is good. The trajectory since I started looking it up each morning is 13 - 19 - 26 - 35 - 39 confirmed cases.

Los Angeles is much further ahead so it appears the community spread is slower in areas with lower population density but still going up quickly. We are probably just at the beginning of the upward curve here unfortunately.


  1. Could you add a screen like thing above the brick to make the wind lesser?

    1. That would work for some days but probably wouldn't be approved. We get really strong winds occasionally and just dust in the air from the fields and mountain sides nearby pretty much anytime there is a wind.

  2. I think your patio area is lovely. Great idea to have a chair and table handy, so you're able to use the patio without cleaning furniture all the time. My husband and I have found that doing anything outside is truly helping us cope with the changes we're all facing. One thing for sure, the virus will not stop springtime, and I love our springs, here in Illinois, and we WILL enjoy this season! Thanks for your updates and stay well!!

  3. That wicker chair is perfect to move in and out. I don't have a chair on my balcony right now but when I can shop again, I think I'll look for something like that.

    1. I'm thinking it will get me to use the patio when the weather is right. Hope you find something that works for you.

  4. You are so going to enjoy that patio. Good idea to move the chair in and out.

    We are holding up okay. Quite looking forward to heading up to stay with Kris for a day or two and get his apartment ship shape once again. Since he has been pretty much isolated for over a month we are staying in his apartment rather than in a hotel. It will be safer.

    God bless.

    1. He is lucky to have you to help him through his recovery.

  5. Oh, friend, today has been a hard day for me. I slept late because I was up off and on worrying all night. When I turned on my cell phone it blew up with messages from my brother and sister about mom. Then my landline rang and it was my brother. Hate when my days start with bad news before I step out of bed. Felt blue the rest of the day. Had plans to go babysit my granddaughters tomorrow but our latest restrictions require that we not gather with anyone anywhere for any reason.
    Going outside helps me, too. We enjoyed a walk in the sunshine today. And did a little workout in the den. Have lots of projects I want to do but can't get in the mindset to do any of them. Hopefully tomorrow. We are up to 78 cases, up 10 cases since yesterday.
    Really like that cute little chair and table. Yes, just move them out for a bit and bring them back in when you are done enjoying your time outdoors.
    Hang in there, dear friend.


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