
Monday, March 23, 2020

Covid-19 Shutdown Day 8: What did you learn last week?

Connecting while Distancing - Hubby takes drumming lessons from a neighbor and they gave it a try over Facetime. Took a while but they got it to work for them. Happy Hubby is important.

Carrying On - I find my spirits are lifted by cheerful colors so am determinedly wearing them each day. No need to hang out in "grubbies" just because we are at home for the duration. I'm glad I bought this top and cardigan recently as orange in all shades is my favorite color.

What did you learn in the last week that helps you prepare for the future? 

I learned that one of the words that my husband connects to me is solutions! I also learned I have been using more toilet paper than absolutely necessary LOL.

More importantly I learned we were not keeping enough back up food and water for the dog and enough food that doesn't require cooking for us in case of more typical emergencies that take the power and possibly water out as well as disrupting supply chains. In an earthquake and wildfire prone area this is important.

I also learned some of the steps to care for an infectious person at home and where our home care supply gaps were for that - especially disinfecting wipes and sprays. We also no longer have a cool mist humidifier but I am on the fence about buying one. The reason I didn't move ours is that we hadn't used it in at least 10 years.

My County's Data -  The first death in our county. 30 confirmed cases and still 4 in my town.


  1. For what it's worth, I heard a doctor interviewed on the radio who said that humidifiers seemed to help those w/ the virus. But I have never owned one, and I don't think I will start now. :)

    1. I must have heard the same interview because I hadn't thought about them for years.

  2. I like that you are wearing cheerful orange, bright colors make me glad too. The fox chart is clever and has some good tips. My stock of dog and cat food is plentiful and a necessity for sure.

    1. Thanks and yes, pet supplies are essential. I had what I thought was enough but think more makes sense.

  3. I like the graphic at the top of your post. During these hard times, we can focus on those things in our control and let go of other stuff that often weighs us down. BTW, you look great in orange!

    1. Where we focus our thoughts is so important to how we feel. Thanks.

  4. I looove and needed that chart also, Juhli. I srart the day feeling positive, but if I'm not careful to limit the external 'noise' I can slip into anxiety before day's end. Today is grocery day, after which I think we will pack lunches and walk to the beach in order to just sit and gaze for a bit.

    I likewise love the orange on you. I can't wear it (looks awful on me) so I love that you can, and so well!

    1. Enjoy your picnic and nature dose at the beach.

  5. You wear those springy colors so well. You brought a smile to my mug!!

    I am certain we use far too much TP over here. A little square or two should probably suffice, most times. And we use those flushable wipes, too. Wish are apparently less flushable than we had hoped. Thank goodness for newish-plumbing.
    Great visual. I am a grand worrying...stray cats, abused animals, homeless children, road kill, I worry about all of those things everyday. But I cannot really do much about any of those things other than make donations to organizations that can make a difference. Road kill is probably beyond anyone's help. But I generally say a prayer for any squished animals I see. I need to learn to worry less about those things and more about the things I can change. Great reminder!

    1. It is hard to make sure one only "worries" about things we can change but a good reminder to do so.


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