
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Covie-19 Shutdown Day 7: Get accurate information & increase your preparation

While I am becoming a fan of Governor Cuomo's press conferences for their tough love and straight talk, I go to the CDC, WHO or Dr. Gupta on CNN for my info on how to know if we are sick, how to care for someone at home and how to prepare to be ill at home. The latest from CDC is this symptom checker that tells you what action to take up to call 911. Coronavirus Self Checker

I've also been thinking about how to get care for our dog if we are both very ill but at home. Also going to research grocery delivery services and make single meal "sick" meals to put in the freezer.

Here are some ideas for preparing for or coping with the infection. Heart Association Coronavirus precautions

Other disease specific organizations such as the Scleraderma Foundation, etc. also seem to have helpful info.

How are you upping your preparations and planning for potential illness at home?

Connecting while Distancing - Some emails with book club friends. Had a long phone call with my friend who lives across the street.

Carrying On 
A neighbor mentioned she was wearing a N95 mask to the grocery store and said she had it leftover from when we had forest fires nearby. I remembered we had a pack too and pulled it out of our earthquake/wildfire supplies backpack that is in the car. Construction grade not medical but if one of us gets sick and has to be cared for at home they will be very useful.

Took a long walk with the dog. Started upper body strength training with light weights. I'm going to need to really improve my arm strength and shoulders for when I can have bunion surgery and am on crutches. I have months to prepare before elective surgeries are allowed again I suspect!

I decided to make a list of supper main dishes for the week, but be flexible on days and make sure to use up the most perishable items first.

Tonight: Chef salad with tuna & corn muffins
2. Leftover ratatouille
3. Tilapia over cooked spinach
4. Turkey burgers and sweet potato
5. Chicken soup with potatoes
6. Omelet & broccoli
7. Leftover turkey burgers and pinto beans

Learning & Enjoyment - Watched the first of the 2018 Christmas Lectures by The Royal Institution faculty. They are aimed at families. It was very enjoyable and interesting and at one hour in length just right for a brief learning segment. I think they have 10 years worth available plus other science lectures.


  1. There is comfort in planning, isn't there. I'm listening to the same news sources you are.

    1. I do like the science and reality based factual ones but it is hard to avoid the anxious ones but I'm trying. Glad you are too.

  2. Avoiding the news after reading it in the morning is my main way of coping with all this.

    I find having a list of things I need to accomplish very calming. I throw in a walk or two and some movie watching on Netflix plus my hobbies. It makes the day move by a great deal quicker.

    God bless.

  3. Thank you for the reminder about the masks. We had a box under the lavatory on PC's side of the was empty!! Boo! Have one mask I could wear to the grocery tomorrow. Need to restock produce and dairy. And kitty food.


What’s was for dinner & week’s plans

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