
Thursday, September 6, 2018

August in a Sentence a Day

Feeling good about how July turned out, but I started August off with a whimper. Thank goodness it got significantly better as the month proceeded!

AUGUST - the almost photo-less edition

1st - Woke up feeling yukky after being up in the middle of the night only to find out Hubby didn't feel great either and then called in sick to swim lesson and read a lot the rest of the day.

2nd - Went to swim lesson to find out I have no muscle or cognitive memory of how to coordinate arms and legs for breaststroke.

3rd - Thank goodness poodle-girl woke up feeling pretty good after having 4 teeth extracted (!) during her dental cleaning and I spent part of the morning with my women's club book discussion group followed by lunch which was great fun.

4th - Had lunch and a good long chat with my older son - just the 2 of us.

5th - Laundry, grocery shopping and dog ear cleaning done - again.

6th - Swimming lesson proved I remember how to do the side and back strokes pretty well.

7th - What a wonderful service the city provides with Dial-a -Ride ($1.50 one way for seniors) which I used to get home from swimming since Hubby had the car to take his Dad to the Dr. - like a private taxi and much less costly than Lyftt although you have to schedule 24 hours in advance.

8th - Cancelled swim lesson due to being very tired, mailed a check to son to become investors in his side business, got a haircut and went out to dinner with friends.

9th - Finished my swim lessons with a much improved ability to swim laps so now I need to get a lot of practice in to consolidate the learning and build endurance.

10th - We took lunch over to friends to check out their new home and to visit.

11th - Cleaned out the linen closet and put an old sheet set and a blanket in the donate pile but probably should donate more!

12th - Enjoyed the strawberry oat muffins made yesterday, baked a batch of soft ginger cookies to freeze for son's wedding dessert potluck (bride's request), did clothing laundry and gave dog a bath while Hubby went to Trader Joe's to buy groceries.

13th - Went lap swimming first thing in the morning, mended the tiny holes that develop in t-shirts right where they hit the belt buckle, turned a cardigan into a top by sewing the front shut so now I have a way to wear an "orphan" pair of shorts, and later wore it to the Pet Club Health Fair .

14th - A walk by the ocean and on the pier, a fish taco lunch on the pier and then strawberry balsamic gelato for dessert at a new place nearer home - perfect!

15th - Lunch with a new friend which ended up lasting 2 hours as we got to know each other better.

16th - Tried on 3 items of clothing that I ordered and none fit although I own other items by the same brand in the same size bought this same season!

17th - Lunch with the President of the Women's Club as I told her about myself so she could write a profile for the newsletter and asked her a lot of questions to get to know her better too.

18th - We planned a movie and dinner date only to find the movie sold out so settled for dinner only at a new to us Mexican restaurant.

19th - Saw "Crazy Rich Asians" this afternoon; what a romp!

20th - A meet up with another new friend for coffee and a nice long get-to-know you chat.

21st - The high today is to be 79 and then the same for 7 more days so back to normal!

22nd - I was in the pool by 7:45 am and there were already 6 other women there doing water walking for exercise and another lap swimmer showed up at 8 am but we all shared nicely although I only managed 15 minutes but that was longer than before!

23rd - Went to a meeting and decided not to be involved further as my tolerance for meetings that accomplish little is less than ever LOL.

24th - Washing day for the 2 of us: laundry, dishes, car, dog.

25th - Cleaned house, hung out, walked - just an ordinary day.

26th - Older son and DIL-to-be brought over a fudgy chocolate cake for an early birthday celebration for me and we fixed a lovely dinner at home while the dogs hung out together.

27th - Nap day.

28th - Took the dog to the vet for her monthly shot and a follow up exam post dental cleaning and teeth extraction.

29th - Pet Club board meeting today and I stayed firm in my resolve to not become the next club President.

30th - Driving north all day to go see son, DIL and granddaughter - yeah.

31st - Day care is closed but the parents still have to work so we go a full day of being grandparents on duty which was a great way to end the month!


  1. Juhli, you were positively bustling with social events in August, how fun for you, and how wonderful now that the settling in process is behind you for the most part.

    And I'm sure your granddaughter enjoyed her time with you as much as you both did. Nothing compares to grandparent love. ☺

  2. Juhli - Looks like you had an active and fun-filled August after the 1st. My August post is almost photo-less, too. Have a great September!


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