
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

My 69th September - Goals

I've already blown my resolution for my 69th year of becoming more fit by not eating donuts/cookies at the library cafe or drinking wine. But a happy break of a resolution it was.

I do want to get more fit after finding it hard to keep up with the 30-somethings walking speed and the up and down stairs of taking public transportation in the Bay Area. This is wedding month for my older son and a visit from my brother and SIL too so it will be busy.

So to the goals:

1. Swim at least 6 times, stretch/yoga at least 8 times, gym at least 4 times

2. Be a cheerful, sociable participant in the 3 day wedding festivities.

3. Plan some fun activities for the post-wedding visit by brother and SIL. So great that they are coming across the country for the wedding.

4. Read 4 books.

5. Start a Fall wardrobe challenge.

6. Participate in Women's Club activities of book discussion and monthly meeting as well as Pet Club raffle ticket sales and monthly meeting.

7. Do something for each close family member to show my love for them. Start by sending granddaughter some mail!

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