
Monday, November 2, 2015

No repeat November - My shop your wardrobe challenge

I'm going to join Midlife Makeover's No Repeat November Challenge and each Monday post what I wore the previous week. It is time to really enjoy and work my wardrobe!

The rules are that you cannot repeat an entire outfit, but of course you can wear individual items of clothing more than once. I'm not including coats, shoes or purses as those are few in my closet and used to be functional or blend mostly.

Want to have fun and join in?


  1. So neat that you're doing this! I'll add you to my blogroll & will be looking forward to visiting and finding out how it's going.


  2. Hi Juhli

    Thanks for posting this - you've inspired me to have a go too, especially as I'm trying not to purchase any clothes and accessories during November! By the way, Carol posted on my blog to say how much she liked your cardigan: she wasn't able to post on here apparently.


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