
Monday, November 2, 2015

Project 333 October Wardrobe Capsule - week 4 of 4 (plus 3 days) - last update!

This has been a good exercise as I've seen what items I really want to wear. Going forward I'm putting all the clothing I may wear in the fall/winter together as I like to layer and our weather varies wildly. This is a work in progress to see how my wardrobe works for me and to add items that are replacements for ones that are worn out or no longer fit or to fill wardrobe holes. I'm also trying to bring the colors into line with my gray hair enhancing palette which I identified in the spring.
Once my wardrobe capsule is workable then I can just replace pieces or add a piece that fits a true new need.

During these 10 days I added 4 items (tangerine scarf, orange & blue scarf, blue cardigan, indigo trench) and subtracted 3 items (black top, walking shoes, black purse) this week as I wasn't wearing the first and the others are vacation/exercise specific. The bottom line: I ended up with a capsule wardrobe of 36 items of clothing plus 11 pieces of jewelry. It worked for weather varying in temperature a lot as is typical for October in Atlanta. The clothing included 7 bottoms, 10 tops, 7 cardigans, 2 coats, 4 scarves, 3 belts, 3 pairs of shoes, and 1 purse.

So what did I wear the past 10 days?

For our final day in NYC and the flight home I wore an ivory lace short sleeve top, stone 3/4 sleeve cardigan, wine scarf, pewter earrings, boot cut medium jeans, army green jacket and my walking shoes. I carried my cross body black purse while still in the city and my everyday bag on the plane.
Two days in a row of my dark gray knit top and boot cut jeans. First with stone cardigan, tangerine scarf & wheat loafers and then with cheery orange-red cardigan, silver charm necklace and navy loafers.

Library volunteer work in those troublesome tangerine jeans. I tried them this time with a orange & blue scarf, stone cardigan as a top and wheat loafers. I like this combo, but see I should button that last button LOL.
I also wore a blue cardigan and indigo trench coat with my light gray knit top, black jeans and black loafers on a cool rainy day. 

I repeated 3 outfits:
- Yellow embellished tank, stone cardigan, olive patterned slacks, tiny diamond & gold necklace and wheat loafers
- Boho red print top and stone cardigan with jeans and navy loafers
- Dark gray top and orange red cardigan but with black jeans instead of denim in honor of Halloween
I spent 2 days hanging out at home doing laundry, raking leaves, cleaning, walking the dog, etc. so I wore housework/yard work outfits not in my capsule: black yoga pants, t-shirt, slippers indoors and an old pair of walking shoes for outdoor work. Comfy, but not too frumpy.


  1. I have to say I love those tangerine jeans and don't button that button, LOL! But I admit I've had red and orangey jeans in the past and didn't keep them because they didn't get enough wear on the weekends.

  2. Beautiful items, Juhli. Keep the button unbuttoned, it looks quite fresh :-).

    Love the textures of the lace top and scarves - fab!


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