
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Well now, that was a painful new experience

Let me say up front that apart from a bruise on one arm and a bump on my head I am just fine. Very early Friday morning I wasn't though.

Suffering some gastro-intestinal distress probably from the spicy sausage that was part of Thursday's dinner, I trekked into the bathroom about 3:30am. Last thing I remember before coming to flat on my back on the tile floor was starting to walk back to the bedroom.

I've never fainted before and it was very strange to be trying to figure out where I was and how I got there. My husband said it sounded like a very large tree branch hitting the roof. We got around later on Friday to joking that it was a branch of the family tree that fell!

The best I can come up with is that the dinner plus possibly the Ibuprofen I took caused acute gastris and that resulted in a rapid drop in blood pressure. Go figure.

After spending Friday being waited on by my husband, napping excessively with the dog, and eating very small bland meals I seem to be on the mend although the aches from falling are compounded by those from the really hard Pilates session I had on Thursday. Thank goodness it seems I can take Tylenol.

Counting my blessings that I didn't hit anything on the way down and hoping never to repeat!


  1. Oh my God, haven't you been to the doctor's ? Believe me, if you were French, you'd have rushed to the hospital straight away ! Be careful and take care of yourself. p.s. : when you get to our age, you're called "une vieille branche" in French !! XX

    1. Thanks for your concern. We talked about going to the Dr. and decided to wait and see as I knew it wasn't a heart attack or stroke problem. I really didn't want unnecessary tests given how I believed it was all due to stomach problems. I am feeling better today so I'm not concerned.

  2. Several years ago I did the same thing, hit my head when I passed out. I was dizzy a few days afterwards and went for a CAT scan. It was not caused by the fall, but they found a meningioma and I had to have brain surgery! I'm fine but if you have any dizziness, have it checked out

    1. Wow, glad your story had a happy ending. I am feeling pretty well with no dizziness thank goodness.

  3. Ouch! Sounds like you are doing okay, but I agree if a similar event happens or you are dizzy hit the dr. My sister in law has passed out in the bathroom at night twice for no good reason and is now on that road.

    1. Sorry to hear about your SIL and hope it turns out well for her. My FIL had the same problem, kept hitting things as he fell and it turned out to be a medication he was taking was making his blood pressure dangerously low. I'll certainly go if it happens again.

  4. As a retired RN I would have advised you to go to the ER after a fall like that....but I wouldn't have gone myself! Sounds like you are doing fine and on the mend. Take care.

    1. And I would have advised someone else to do so too! I am doing much better - just a few bruises. I was very lucky.

  5. Oh no, Juhli! How scary - and painful! The same thing happened to me a few years ago, I thought I would be able to get back into bed, but fell like a tree right next to it. Woke up my husband who also thought something had hit the house. We do not fall gracefully :-). Glad to hear you're on the mend.

    1. This seems to be a more common experience than I thought. I'm still trying to figure out the dynamics of the fall to explain the bruises I do have and missing anything that would have been truly painful to hit. I didn't feel dizzy at all which is the weirdest part. Just walking and then coming to on my back on the floor.


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