So here are some bigger goals for the next 6 months:
1. Focus on physical health and fitness - this involves a lot of things but these 3 are my priority.
- Regular Pilates has been very good for my body and my energy - definately going to keep working with my trainer
- I used to routinely work out with my Gaiam am stretch DVD (there is a pm stretch workout too). I fell out of that routine, my hip joint locked up, months of PT later and I can move it again. Time to start this as a practice - and then maybe add the pm stretch too which will help make the afternoon more productive.
- Actually lose those last few pound by planning food intake (especially snacks) better. Oh menu planning, how I don't love you!
2. Do what I can to achieve 2012 house goals without paying someone else
- Obvious priorities are to clear the undergrowth in our wooded area and hillside as well as cutting down hollies by driveway. Keep chipping away at this (pun intended LOL).
- Talk to friend who may fix antique chair for a fee
3. Live my money values in each spending decision I make - this of course raises the question as to what these values are.
- Time with my family - which requires travel
- Enjoyable time with my hubby & friends - may or may not cost money
- Health - preventive measures and healthcare
- Saving to finance our hopefully long lives
- Preparing to move in 5 1/2 years - maintain home but no costly improvements & continue decluttering
- Wearing things out or, if they aren't being used, passing them on to someone who will use them
Great goals update. You and Adrienne are on the same page. Maybe I should re-evaluate some goals?
ReplyDeleteSo easy to set goals - now living them is the challenge!