
Friday, December 2, 2016

Get it Done December: Day 2

Another day of checking things off.

On 12/2 these things were completed:

- Raked the driveway. Five trash barrels of gloriously red Japanese maple leaves! It felt like I was walking in a sunset.
- Contacted contractor & learned that the bath remodel start date is Wednesday instead of Monday. This is actually better as there is no rain expected Wednesday (demo day) and they will be hauling things out of the house.
- Added yesterday's thrift store donations to for tax records.
- Copied my Friends of the Library records to a zip drive to give to new President of group. Printed agenda for annual meeting on next Tuesday.
- Made appointments for annual physical and semi-annual mammogram.
- Figured out I need an orthodontist appointment and need to move my next dentist visit to a different date. Neither office is open today so will do next week.
- The dog and I coped with windows and doors being open for painting despite colder weather. Glad we didn't wait until February as initially planned! Also very glad we have a Mr. Slim heat pump unit upstairs as that kept that space very cozy.

1 comment:

  1. You are getting big things done and feeling grateful for the small things. That is perfect. :)


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...