
Friday, December 2, 2016

Get it Done December: Day 1

I have been wasting a lot of time. That has got to end! So here is to "Get it Done December".

On 12/1 this got done:

- Bought weed preventer at Home Depot in a shake and spread container. They did not have the cheaper & larger refill container.
- Came home and researched prices for the refill. Lowes was the best and the closest store had it in stock.
- Made a menu plan for with next 10 days.
- DH conferenced me in for a call to try to figure out how much money to put in our pre-tax health savings account for 2017 given that he is retiring some time between 9/30 & 11/30/2017. We learned the rules. More thinking and analyzing required so it save us money rather than us losing unspent funds. We have until 12/12 to decide.
- Did a large circle of errands: Lowes for weed preventer refill, library to return books, thrift store to drop off 2 old sets of golf clubs & bags plus misc clothing and kitchen items that will not be moved, CVS to pick up prescription, Kroger for groceries, and then gas station.
- Walked dog.
- Raked part of front yard and street.
- Spread weed preventer on part of front yard.

Had a glass of wine and read a bit! 


  1. Wow, I don't think anyone but you is getting things done in December, other than holiday shopping and decorating. Very admirable!

    1. We are on a deadline and no family nearby coupled with the prospect of going through the bathroom remodel this month have made us pretty much ignore the holidays this year. Next year they will be fun though.


March Reads - First half

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