
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Busy week - Thriving week 37

I’m really enjoying the speed, screen clarity and battery life on my new Kindle. Big thanks to my son and another thanks to him for paying extra to have no ads😉 There has been a learning curve but biggest one is to switch the habit of clicking a button to touching the screen.

Thursday the dog got groomed. It is very amusing to take him to his grooming appointment as they all know his name and he is so excited and happy that he can’t hold still. He is almost equally happy to see me pick home up. For him it is one of the best days ever.

I babysat the grandgirls all Saturday afternoon while my son and DIL went out. I was pooped when I got home as the toddler is in constant motion of climbing, wanting me to read a book, trying to get in her big sister’s activity, etc. She was napping when I got there though so the older one and I had some time to spend doing what she wanted.

Monday also was the start of the 8 week free class at the city rec center called A Matter of Balance. It is a fall prevention program offered throughout the county.

Monday afternoon the older son and DIL came back in town on their way home from their trip and we had everyone over for dinner. We made salad but got pizza. They left on Tuesday to finish their drive home.

Then Wednesday I had my weekly Pilates session.

A nicely busy week.


  1. Sounds like you are uptown with your new Kindle. My daughter gave me a gently used 6th generation and it is so much faster and better than my older one. Thank goodness for sweet children.

    How did you like the balance class? I was thinking I could certainly benefit from something similar but all of a sudden, I am having to balance constantly on my left leg. It is getting stronger while my right one with the broken foot is withering away.

    How wonderful that your pup enjoys being groomed. My sweet Cici just hated it and would be frantic when I dropped her off and picked her up. We finally went with a mobile groomer who came to our home (yard) but that didn't help much. Made me so sad for her.

    1. It is really a fall prevention class of 8 sessions and the first one was about fears so a waste. They will do a few exercises later but 5hey look like very basic stuff. So sorry about your foot! I had physical therapy after my foot surgeries to both rebuild muscle and to regain joint flexibility. Hope you can access it too when healed.

  2. I splurged on a Kindle Oasis almost 4 years ago, and its battery is starting to act up; it's not fully charging, and discharges quicker than it used to. The main reason I sprung for it was because at the time it was the only waterproof choice I think, but also because it had page-turn buttons--I prefer them. I'm thinking that its days are numbered, and I'm dreading not having the buttoned option. :(

    1. I find every tech change takes a while both for my brain and physical habits but this Kindle switch was pretty fast.


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