
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Pup is on a diet & down a research rabbit hole - Thriving week 21

About that rabbit hole! I just read and really liked this book and wanted to see how true to life it was for the historical part. Well, it is very realistic but just touches on a small part of the work that was done by American women near the front line in N France during and after WWI. The legacy of that work is amazing too. Check out these videos for the bigger picture but read the book too.

It was a slow week for me as I had barometric headaches and joint aches for days and then symptoms of a virus. I did very little those days. One very good thing about retirement for me is that when I feel yuck I can do very little.

Friday we had a surprise visit from the older granddaughter and our son as there was no school. She got a big kick out of having him stay out of sight and peering in our front window until I noticed her and was suitably surprised which delighted her. Oh to be 7 again. They brought donuts and she made a fancy sign for my free pile for Saturday.

Then she went home and made fancier signs for the lemonade and muffin stand she and 2 friends ran at a park on Sunday. They decided it was to raise money for their schools and Fairyland (an Oakland well loved vintage children’s amusement park). They raised $154 plus all supplies were donated. Happy 7 year olds.

Pup had his annual well dog visit plus one booster shot. The vet says he has “dog fluff” and needs to lose some weight. We will give it a try but he has always had a layer of fat under his skin and only eats when hungry…not sure about the body composition of Cavalier Spaniels (mother) but I do know poodles (father) are lean. His build is more like his Mom’s except he has long legs and back hips like a poodle.

We continue checking off fixing smaller things, decluttering unnecessary items, doing some deep cleaning, and trying to find ways to make maintaining this property and our stuff easier.

  • This week Hubby added caulk around the shower frame where there wasn’t any or it had gaps. I had noticed water coming under part of the frame so now that is fixed.
  • My free pile on Saturday wasn’t as large as I had thought it would be as we are keeping the outdoor rug and umbrella for now while the toddler granddaughter is small. However, I put out 14 items and 11 left for new homes. The rest will be heading to Goodwill soon. I added a couple more items and tossed a few more.


  1. I love it when a book of fiction sends us down a research rabbit hole and we come out learning something fascinating. New under estimate the power of a woman.

  2. Reserved this book at the library. Thanks for recommendation and the links!

  3. Adding this book to my list. Love books that have some truth to them.

    God bless.

  4. I love books that detail life in the 40s, so I will have to check that one out. I'm still on my mission of simplifying life, too. Got rid of a small wine fridge and a big steel cabinet this week. Go me!

    1. That is the kind of decluttering that is instant change

  5. I always feel happy when I set something at the curb and someone comes along and takes it. Glad my things can be useful to someone else when I no longer need or use them. Good job passing along 11 of your 14 items.
    LOVE the story of the surprise visit from your granddaughter and son. How nice that they came bringing refreshments, too. I enjoy unexpected treats like that.
    The book you shared sounds very good. I am reading The Underground Library which is also very good and I think based on a true story. Will add your book to my consideration list. Thank you for sharing.

    1. The Underground Library is a really good book!


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...